Cooking issue in Houdini 20 when caching to disk

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Simulations work fine when running live, the upstream nodes cook as expected, ie. if a node is time-frozen it will only cook on first frame etc.

If we write the same simulation to disk, the upstream network starts to cook some "random" nodes every frame even they are time independent, sometimes even before cached to disk results ( nothing is called before the caching point ).
The issue persist with vanilla ROP Geometry Output Sop ( to rule out our cacher )
The same issue persist on the Deadline farm.

Closing all Houdini sessions and deleting the Houdini local preference folder (../Documents/Houdini20.0), seems to solve the issue temporarily. It tends to show up again after a few days of work.

The issue is hard to replicate in a simple scene to test, hence the difficulty of pinpoint the root cause.
Opening the same scene in Houdini 19.5 and the problem disappears. We suspect is H20 related.

Anyone else having this issue?

Houdini 20.0.653, Windows 10
I have checked the update journal and don't see any cook related bug fixes. (last daily built today is 20.0.704)
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Funny you mention it. I recently experienced something similar while trying to scrub a cache. It kept cooking up stream. It didn't make sense because my display and template flags were on the FileCache, which fetched loaded data. I even move the cache node into a new, empty Geometry node. It wasn't until I closed Houdini, relaunched and created a new File node to reference the cached data that I could finally scrub it.

I was using H20.547.
Edited by Enivob - May 13, 2024 12:44:54
Using Houdini Indie 20.0
Windows 11 64GB Ryzen 16 core.
nVidia 3050RTX 8BG RAM.
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