Multi layered texturing

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Hi there. Im having a hard time trying to figure this one out, so for the sake of my keyboard (and my forehead) will ask you guys for help.

Im trying to use the VEX layered shader and use the separate layers to overlay textures. for example. I want to be able to texture a grid with one image map and then add another texture with an aplha channel ( a decal) on top of the previous texture. I know this must be very easy, but i cant seem to get it done.

Thanks for your help

Rudy Cortes
Rudy Cortes
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Should work fine - put your first(lower) layer image in the Base tab Texture Map entry, then on tab # 2 put your second image. Ensure you have an alpha in the second one. Also, by default they've had the shader looking for different uv layers - you may want to change the default on tab #2 to “UV (base layer)”. Also ensure that you're applied a UV Texture SOP to your geometry(although a NURBS won't need it).
Are you getting a solid green colour in the viewport? If you are, that means either the texture map is missing or invalid, or you haven't assigned uv coordinates…


John Coldrick
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Everything you have mentioned I have done so far. but i guess I forgot one important point in my question. I want to use a DIFERENT uv projection for the second layer (and each layer afterwards).

So far I have applied a UV texture project sop to the WHOLE grid, then another UV texture porject SOP to just the polygons I need. Then I create a vex Layered shader and apply the images to their respective layers (making sure that the 2nd layer uses UV2 ). The problem is that the 2nd layer is not been mapped to the 2nd UV project. The image for the second layer gets repeated once per quad , and i believe this means that the second layer is not finding the 2nd uv texture project I created.

How do i let the shader KNOW which one of the multiple UV texture projections I created is UV2, UV3… UV#?

Thanks for your help

Rudy Cortes
Rudy Cortes
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Ahhh, OK, gotcha.

Here's the way I'd do this:

Your original data SOP, connect to:
Layer SOP - current layer “1”(although this SOP prob isn't necessary since it defaults to 1) , connect to:
UVTexture with your settings for the first layer, connect to:
Layer SOP - current layer “2”, connect to:
UVTexture with your settings for second layer

If you MMB over the last SOP, you should see uv and uv2 there - and this should work.

What happens when you just add another UVTexture SOP it will overwrite any existing uv attributes for the data you selected. I understand you probably didn't select the first layer geo the second time around, but the problem is that a UVTexture SOP assigns uv's to whatever the current layer is in the chain…so both of them would have used uv. You need to have a Layer SOP in there to tell Houdini what layer to assign next.

Hope this helps,


John Coldrick
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u r the MAN!!!.. thanks a lot for your help….

more questions still to come!..


Rudy Cortes
Rudy Cortes
TDChannel []
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