smooth smoke, filter smoke

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Just a quick question.
Is there a way to smooth out the voxels in the smoke? Just like you can put a filter on particle fluids…

thanks guys!
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If you want to do it in a simulation, there are “Gas Blur” and “Gas Diffuse” DOPs microsolvers you can incorporate into your DOP network.

If you want to do it explicitly for a volume in SOPs, you'd probably need to
build a VOP SOP that queries the neighboring voxels and blur the current
voxel accordingly.

Using volumesample() expressions in “Volume Mix” SOP's user value field
might also work, but it will surely be slower. Also, there might be some
order-dependece problems doing it that way, so you'd probably need to
construct a new volume by sampling the old. The VOP SOP method might
not need that because of the order vex is executed, but then again it
might, I dunno for sure..

None of these are really easy solutions, sorry

Standard disclaimer: there might be other, better ways as well.

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thanks a lot! really help full!

is there any good tutoials out there on how to create custom shaders in houdini? and to help me understand the shader and material system? i've been looking around but havn't found anything.
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is there any good tutoials out there on how to create custom shaders in houdini? and to help me understand the shader and material system? i've been looking around but havn't found anything.
No there isn't anything comprehensive really. :\
Decipher how the gallery materials are done, see odforce wiki and shader forum, read up on renderman shaders..

Here's a quick implementation of gaussian volume blurring with a Volume VOP network. It's a bit dirty as it takes random samples, and the distribution is neither right nor optimal.


blurs.jpg (80.3 KB)
ee_volumeblur_vops.hip (309.1 KB)

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