Reverse keys by scaling

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I would like to copy a bunch of keyframes, and reverse them later on in the animation. However, when trying to reverse the keys in time by sclaing them in the dopesheet, I can't scale them so they become negative. Only down to zero in time.

So my question is, how do I reverse a bunch of keyframes at the same time. As I am able to do in Maya by just scaling them in the X axis of the graph beyond 0 (to -1 normally).
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you can do this in channel editor
select bunch of keyframes
press y to enable scale handle
now you can scale to negative
you can also adjust pivot point for the scaling
Tomas Slancik
FX Supervisor
Method Studios, NY
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Joined: Oct. 2008
you can do this in channel editor
select bunch of keyframes
press y to enable scale handle
now you can scale to negative
you can also adjust pivot point for the scaling

Thanks! Exactly what I was looking for. Couldn't find anything about it in the help for the channel editor. But that did the trick.
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