Connecting Geometry/Procedural shops

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Hello all,

In houdini 10 I made a shot otl that I would hook into the Geometry shader input of an output.

How would I connect this in houdini 11? My otl is available in the shop contect, but if I dive into a billowy smoke for example, my otl is not available.

What would be the best way to do this in 11?

Any help is appreciated,

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You will need to convert your OTL from SHOP context into VOP context. And then you can connect it to the Collect node inside the Material Shader Builder node (much like the Fur Procedural vop).
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Thanks, the problem I am running into however, is that I dont know how to convert the shop operator to a vop operator (or how to create a new vop otl, I dont mind redoing it.)

I had a hard time finding information in the help and most references to procedruals still mention to create a new operator type (shop). I tried to create a new vex geometry shader, but that did not show up either.

How would I go about converting the shop type to a vop type?


ps. both in my local help and in the online help, the “shading Creating Materials” page is empty / broken.
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Thanks, the problem I am running into however, is that I dont know how to convert the shop operator to a vop operator (or how to create a new vop otl, I dont mind redoing it.)

The simplest way to create a VOP for your geometry shader is to copy an existing one then modify it to match your shader. For example, you can open up the Operator Type Manager, right click on an existing Procedural VOP like the VEX Volume Procedural and choose “Copy…”. Give the operator the same name as your procedural then use the Type Properties dialog to change the Parameters, Help, and Input/Outputs.
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Got it to work, thanks!

I was missing the part that the name of the vop otl defines the mapping to my procedural dso (the old “Shader Name” parameter)

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