COP and fur length

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Hi all,

I'm trying to use a COP network to drive the length map of a fur object.
The cop net is animated (a shape changing scale).
The length map seems to work fine at the first frame, but when I play the animation,
the it behaves quite strangely.

Am I doing something wrong? or am I missing something ?

thanks in advance


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While opening your file crash my houdini session.
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Thank you for your reply.

Maybe the crash is due to a different release.
However the scene setup is very simple.

Create a grid, attach fur.
Create a cop network with a shape node (circle) and animate scale or/and translation.
In the fur node set the length map parameter to:


The first frame should work fine, but playing the animation it doesn't.
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Here it's working,
i suppose you have put an uv node in your grid before create fur on it,
then seems a visualization problem, i've turn off main fur display and used Hair Guide with scattered off.
Anyway in Mantra it render good.And before keyframing the value of a ramp i can visualize correctly moving the slider of the Phase, after the keys it has strange flickering behaviour.

fur.hipnc (1.4 MB)

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yes, it seems only a visualization problem.

I've used the uv node in my first scene, but I think it makes no difference as the fur setup adds a uvTexture automatically in the input_skin sub-node.

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