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Houdini Indie and Apprentice » Group Delete by Name
- Young_Padawan
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Houdini Indie and Apprentice » Group Delete by Name
- Young_Padawan
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Hi people !
I need help regarding deletion of groups.
I have an obj that comes in with hundreds of irelevant groups.
So I've made my own groups.
And now I want to delete the junk groups that I don't need.
I figured that GroupDelete is the operator I need.
I can't figure out how to isolate the string to delete any other groups except those that end with “_grp”.
Thanks in advance.
I need help regarding deletion of groups.
I have an obj that comes in with hundreds of irelevant groups.
So I've made my own groups.
And now I want to delete the junk groups that I don't need.
I figured that GroupDelete is the operator I need.
I can't figure out how to isolate the string to delete any other groups except those that end with “_grp”.
Thanks in advance.
Houdini Lounge » FMX 2013 presentations
- Young_Padawan
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Hi !
The fmx 2013 presentations will they be recorded ?
I think it will be a great addition to the online learning materials …
Thanks !
The fmx 2013 presentations will they be recorded ?
I think it will be a great addition to the online learning materials …
Thanks !
Work in Progress » Something Bugg(y)s Me
- Young_Padawan
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I'm looking forward to see the rig. I saw the Manitou buggy rig on youtube and that made think about doing one myself. But I'm not so experienced with technical rigging…that rig seems very very good and complex to make (I'm just thinking about the terrain follow, deforming tires, obstacles which seems very complicated to setup)
If do rig the buggy, maybe you can post the hips so we can see how you did it. It would be very nice.
Good luck with the rig !
If do rig the buggy, maybe you can post the hips so we can see how you did it. It would be very nice.
Good luck with the rig !
Houdini Lounge » classroom available online? when?
- Young_Padawan
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yes….if they want the Houdini community to grow and the software to become popular they must promote it…I think SESI is doing very bad regarding this chapter.
From what I know when it comes to Houdini, the only people that knows it are in big CG production Houses and the low-end amateur user is struggling to get a grip on learning the software, maybe trying to get better wit Houdini, working on personal demoreels and so on…
That's why I'm finding this CLOSED approach regarting the learning resources unappropriate.
I mean they offer Apprentice for free learning and use and that's it…the documentation is lacking…and I expect a little support concerning the tutoring materials from them. Otherwise Houdini users will not grow. This has been discussed before, why everybody is complaining the steep curve in learning Houdini. Because every material that exists right now, are not quite project based. Everything is an eternal discussion on the forums on how to do that or that, and someone like me who is trying to swich to Houdini from the big Autodesk monopol is struggling badly and finally ending to give up. In a production you must be confident in the software and knowing how to do a speciffic task if that occurs. No one wants to spend countless days testing, searching for techincal solutions and approaches on the web in this situation. An I honestly can say I don't have the privilege beeing around a studio using Houdini, or some guys who can help me do the learning transition.
So I say why can't all the conferences be FREE ??? It denies the ideea of the Apprentice program.
The potential Houdini users are not attracted…they are running away.
Beautiful software what can I say…I can even say passionate…but in the end is a big dilemma to learn it all alone and doing some final product using it.
I know one would say everybody must learn by small pieces, and then assemble what they learned, but I have that strange feeling that it's kinda unapproachable and a VERY steep curve.
If that's not gonna change everybody will still be using the very popular Maya, form there are plenty of resources to learn.
All I'm asking is for an initiative form SESI to promote their sotware better (documentation and learning resources), otherwise H will remain as I feel it now….very experimental and intriguing and when I seldom see some spectacular vfx done with it I say to myself “look it can be done”…but everybody is wondering how???
Thank you for listening !
From what I know when it comes to Houdini, the only people that knows it are in big CG production Houses and the low-end amateur user is struggling to get a grip on learning the software, maybe trying to get better wit Houdini, working on personal demoreels and so on…
That's why I'm finding this CLOSED approach regarting the learning resources unappropriate.
I mean they offer Apprentice for free learning and use and that's it…the documentation is lacking…and I expect a little support concerning the tutoring materials from them. Otherwise Houdini users will not grow. This has been discussed before, why everybody is complaining the steep curve in learning Houdini. Because every material that exists right now, are not quite project based. Everything is an eternal discussion on the forums on how to do that or that, and someone like me who is trying to swich to Houdini from the big Autodesk monopol is struggling badly and finally ending to give up. In a production you must be confident in the software and knowing how to do a speciffic task if that occurs. No one wants to spend countless days testing, searching for techincal solutions and approaches on the web in this situation. An I honestly can say I don't have the privilege beeing around a studio using Houdini, or some guys who can help me do the learning transition.
So I say why can't all the conferences be FREE ??? It denies the ideea of the Apprentice program.
The potential Houdini users are not attracted…they are running away.
Beautiful software what can I say…I can even say passionate…but in the end is a big dilemma to learn it all alone and doing some final product using it.
I know one would say everybody must learn by small pieces, and then assemble what they learned, but I have that strange feeling that it's kinda unapproachable and a VERY steep curve.
If that's not gonna change everybody will still be using the very popular Maya, form there are plenty of resources to learn.
All I'm asking is for an initiative form SESI to promote their sotware better (documentation and learning resources), otherwise H will remain as I feel it now….very experimental and intriguing and when I seldom see some spectacular vfx done with it I say to myself “look it can be done”…but everybody is wondering how???
Thank you for listening !
Houdini Lounge » classroom available online? when?
- Young_Padawan
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I was wondering when SESI will post the classrooms online as they promissed a while ago?
I mean it would be great for all of us to gain knowledge of Houdini.
If Houdini is such an exclusivist 3d package with few users worldwide, why don't you make available the knowledge?
The Houdini users would grow this way by having more learning resources (at the moment they are so few).
I'm looking forward to see SESI promoting their software for those who are willing to learn and can;t quite get a grip on Houdini. I'm interested in the Mantra Classrooms Shading and Rendering etc.
An other aspect of this problem would be that not all can join the classrooms where they are held. A SESI official said they would record the classroms and make them available.
That's just sad it didn;t happed yet.
Best regards
I mean it would be great for all of us to gain knowledge of Houdini.
If Houdini is such an exclusivist 3d package with few users worldwide, why don't you make available the knowledge?
The Houdini users would grow this way by having more learning resources (at the moment they are so few).
I'm looking forward to see SESI promoting their software for those who are willing to learn and can;t quite get a grip on Houdini. I'm interested in the Mantra Classrooms Shading and Rendering etc.
An other aspect of this problem would be that not all can join the classrooms where they are held. A SESI official said they would record the classroms and make them available.
That's just sad it didn;t happed yet.
Best regards
Houdini Lounge » when the announced tutorials will be available ?
- Young_Padawan
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Hello folks and SESI !
I know that a while ago, actually 2008, some staff member of SESI said there are some tutorials in the work regarding character, rigging, texturing, etc. It sounded very complete and complex tutorial, because many have asked for something like a step by step workflow for building character from scratch professional way, I guess maybe because many pipelines involve at some point some character work to be done.
I'm asking when this tutorial series will be available ?
Are there any chances that they will be released someday. I'm concerned especially in the technical approach of muscles and skinning, because it seems to be very problematic and there are no so many resources about using muscles efficiently ( because they are not quite good at the moment ) and the capturing problem regarding skinning.
I very appreciate all the recent tutorials covering H10 aspects.
One more thing, is there any chance that the FREE conferences could be available for all online?,
because there are few learning materials and not anyone have the luck to be around the city where they are held.
I think it could be a good initiative to record them and post them as classed for us all.
Thank you !
I know that a while ago, actually 2008, some staff member of SESI said there are some tutorials in the work regarding character, rigging, texturing, etc. It sounded very complete and complex tutorial, because many have asked for something like a step by step workflow for building character from scratch professional way, I guess maybe because many pipelines involve at some point some character work to be done.
I'm asking when this tutorial series will be available ?
Are there any chances that they will be released someday. I'm concerned especially in the technical approach of muscles and skinning, because it seems to be very problematic and there are no so many resources about using muscles efficiently ( because they are not quite good at the moment ) and the capturing problem regarding skinning.
I very appreciate all the recent tutorials covering H10 aspects.
One more thing, is there any chance that the FREE conferences could be available for all online?,
because there are few learning materials and not anyone have the luck to be around the city where they are held.
I think it could be a good initiative to record them and post them as classed for us all.
Thank you !
Houdini Indie and Apprentice » multiple carves merged
- Young_Padawan
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wow thank you dude ! thank you for all three solving versions. I thought it might be a problem when branching the carves, because i think Houdini couldn't figure out in the way I did it. Multiple carves I think is confusing simultaneous, but I still think I can be solved in someway to have al the U and V independent over the surface, without being constrained by primitive groups. Anyway I'm so happy right now that I learned something. Otherwise I like nurbs far better because I can still control the position and the shape of the holes. The downside is that i can only move between the group domain of each carve. The polygon version is cool for a fixed modeling. By blasting the faces I cant slide the holes anymore across the surface. I think it can be done with nurbs and at the end of the chain somehow to add a convert to poly SOP, when a polygon structure is really needed, thus retaining the posibility to move the holes in a nurbs fashion.
Noroc Dragos ! Romanu la nevoie se cunoaste ! Mersi mult ! Ma bucur ca mai sunt si de-ai nostri pe aici . Ti-am luat id-ul de mess de pe forum si ti-am dat add. Poate apucam sa mai vorbim. Am vazut ca esti la DSG. Tot respectu ! Esti tare.
Noroc Dragos ! Romanu la nevoie se cunoaste ! Mersi mult ! Ma bucur ca mai sunt si de-ai nostri pe aici . Ti-am luat id-ul de mess de pe forum si ti-am dat add. Poate apucam sa mai vorbim. Am vazut ca esti la DSG. Tot respectu ! Esti tare.
Houdini Indie and Apprentice » multiple carves merged
- Young_Padawan
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hello houdini people !
I started learning houdini about 2 months ago.
This is my first post here, because I ran into a problem witch I can't solve and hope you guys can help me out.
I made a nurbs surface of 3 curves. Then I tried to carve the skin surface 3 times to obtain some holes. Then I want to merge all the 3 carves intro one, and all to be visible, and it doesn't work. Each individual carve SOP works fine, but the merge I think messes things out. Is there any way to solve this problem?
I posted a file attached.
Thank you !
I started learning houdini about 2 months ago.
This is my first post here, because I ran into a problem witch I can't solve and hope you guys can help me out.
I made a nurbs surface of 3 curves. Then I tried to carve the skin surface 3 times to obtain some holes. Then I want to merge all the 3 carves intro one, and all to be visible, and it doesn't work. Each individual carve SOP works fine, but the merge I think messes things out. Is there any way to solve this problem?
I posted a file attached.
Thank you !
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