In 12.5.316.22, I create a box, change it to a poly mesh, select polysplit and it goes red and does not have a connection line to box node. It does not allow me to split the primitves/faces.
This exact same steps work in 12.1. I can repeat the error on other machines. Am I missing something in 12.5 or is this a bug or is there a workaround?
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Technical Discussion » Polysplit not working or connecting in 12.5
- mnemonicimage
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Houdini Lounge » Softimage development team swap
- mnemonicimage
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One of the beauties if Soft + ICE was that you did not have to leave the comfort of the traditional ways of doing things and then if you were eager you could venture into procedurals/ICE. Once you get into it, you discover the power of it.
I think, this is one of the areas for improvement for training offerings in Houdini. So many of the tutorials throw you/new users very deeply into the procedural method and things easily get overly technical that it perhaps scares the more traditional workflow people away. Sometimes you just need to model a bar stool and not make a fully customizable adjustable for every situation bar stool. I know if you think a few steps ahead this is easily added with procedurals but at times when I made the switch I found myself thinking just this.
I know that is a possible weakness of a learneer, but you have to take them where they are at. I think there could be better transitional learning methods for training people into Houdini. Show them the normal workflows, a polygon is a polygon is a polygon, then introduce the more non-linear workflows that the procedural workflow offers.
Cause let's face it a majority of them have spent years learning it the traditional linear workflow way. Just my two cents.
I think, this is one of the areas for improvement for training offerings in Houdini. So many of the tutorials throw you/new users very deeply into the procedural method and things easily get overly technical that it perhaps scares the more traditional workflow people away. Sometimes you just need to model a bar stool and not make a fully customizable adjustable for every situation bar stool. I know if you think a few steps ahead this is easily added with procedurals but at times when I made the switch I found myself thinking just this.
I know that is a possible weakness of a learneer, but you have to take them where they are at. I think there could be better transitional learning methods for training people into Houdini. Show them the normal workflows, a polygon is a polygon is a polygon, then introduce the more non-linear workflows that the procedural workflow offers.
Cause let's face it a majority of them have spent years learning it the traditional linear workflow way. Just my two cents.
Houdini Lounge » Softimage development team swap
- mnemonicimage
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I agree, I am an ACI in Softimage and the one thing that I miss the most while transitioning to Houdini are the character animation tools. Animation mixing, bringing in MOCAP and transferring it to other rigs, autorigging (something akin to Ikinema or CAT would be fantastic), synoptics, etc. Hope SideFX focuses on this in the upcoming releases.
Houdini Lounge » Softimage development team swap
- mnemonicimage
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That's cool. If SideFX is not interested in why new customers might be more interested in their product now, then just delete this thread. That is all I was trying to do here.
Houdini Lounge » Softimage development team swap
- mnemonicimage
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Houdini anyone?
There seems to be a lot of concern/discussion with Autodesk's gutting of the core development team from Softimage and hiring a team in Singapore.
I've come to speculate (yes speculate) that it looks like they are taking the brains behind ICE and adding them to “Maya FX” team in Montreal. These guys re-wrote XSI and will probably be very helpful in getting Maya more up to speed.
More Node based I bet.
Seeing Maya's addition of a sort of node editor in 2012 SAP, it is clear they are trying to get more node based methods into Maya and Max. Problem is that is, they are still a few years out. Give Side FX a few more years and you have what happened to Softimage when it was being re-written and Maya was coming up to speed. Maya then drops the price and hits Softimage where it hurts and overcomes them in market share.
At least that is how I remember it going down. Could be totally wrong on this.
Autodesk also appears to be going the suites route. Give you 5 apps to do one job. This does put a suite in the price range of Houdini Master, but man in these times that number sounds very foreboding.
I do see this as another opportunity for Houdini to grab a better foothold into the market while Maya spends its time trying to catch up. I sense Max is trying to get more nodal as well with the agreements with the Particle Flow developers and slate material editor.
I don't want to start a flame war but wanted to express the idea that I think the continued Autodesk shake ups may provide an opportunity for SideFX to grab some users.
There seems to be a lot of concern/discussion with Autodesk's gutting of the core development team from Softimage and hiring a team in Singapore.
I've come to speculate (yes speculate) that it looks like they are taking the brains behind ICE and adding them to “Maya FX” team in Montreal. These guys re-wrote XSI and will probably be very helpful in getting Maya more up to speed.
More Node based I bet.
Seeing Maya's addition of a sort of node editor in 2012 SAP, it is clear they are trying to get more node based methods into Maya and Max. Problem is that is, they are still a few years out. Give Side FX a few more years and you have what happened to Softimage when it was being re-written and Maya was coming up to speed. Maya then drops the price and hits Softimage where it hurts and overcomes them in market share.
At least that is how I remember it going down. Could be totally wrong on this.
Autodesk also appears to be going the suites route. Give you 5 apps to do one job. This does put a suite in the price range of Houdini Master, but man in these times that number sounds very foreboding.
I do see this as another opportunity for Houdini to grab a better foothold into the market while Maya spends its time trying to catch up. I sense Max is trying to get more nodal as well with the agreements with the Particle Flow developers and slate material editor.
I don't want to start a flame war but wanted to express the idea that I think the continued Autodesk shake ups may provide an opportunity for SideFX to grab some users.
Houdini Lounge » Rigging and muscle setup tutorials?
- mnemonicimage
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I hear you on asking for help on these forums. There are a lot of newbies joining, as am I. I just bought Apprentice HD two days ago and have found that some of the replies via text can come of pretty stand offish but realize this forum has a lot of great insight and input from the community. I hope you don't get put off by asking questions that have been asked a bunch of times. There are no stupid questions in my opinion.
3DBuzz looks like it has some great character training videos on their site for Houdini, but that does not meet your free requirement.
I too registered with the eval username that comes with the AppHD registration licenses and was not able to change my userame in my profile. I created another account for the forums. You may try that to get the eval username off.
3DBuzz looks like it has some great character training videos on their site for Houdini, but that does not meet your free requirement.
I too registered with the eval username that comes with the AppHD registration licenses and was not able to change my userame in my profile. I created another account for the forums. You may try that to get the eval username off.
Houdini Lounge » I am looking for the CHOPs_Training for Houdini 4.0 files
- mnemonicimage
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Hmmm. The mocap to rig seems to be the ever evasive question on this forum. I see the sticky at the top of the forum but would love a clean and simple demo of step by step how to get a bvh file onto a toon rig/auto rig. It supposedly is doable but solutions are bits here and bits there but no coherent clear demo on how to do it.
Just ranting a bit and hoping there is someone out there that knows where to find a good demo of how to do it.
Just ranting a bit and hoping there is someone out there that knows where to find a good demo of how to do it.
Houdini Lounge » I am looking for the CHOPs_Training for Houdini 4.0 files
- mnemonicimage
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I am looking for the CHOPs_Training for Houdini 4.0 files to follow this tutorial: []
Does anyone know where I can get these files? It is a SideFX document. The document is from “Houdini Training 4.0”. []
Does anyone know where I can get these files? It is a SideFX document. The document is from “Houdini Training 4.0”.
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