HGaalAgain, Several users, me included, have showed you that it actually works, We showed you how to do it, you are just doing it wrong, as per usual, the problem is not Houdini, the problem is not the developers, the problem is YOU who keeps having problems where there are none, and you are too stubborn to admit it and actually make it work on your side, clearly a big waste of time on our part! π
However, stubborn deduction tells us that if the custom color in the old build is correctly set and is always visible, and this is a fact, then it is stored somewhere in some settings file, right? Otherwise, every time you start the colors would be default, but this is not the case. But there are no files with themes in the regular Houdini settings folder - this is also a recorded fact.
I have attached a video. The color is set and saved for all nodes, but there are no files. And the build works fine without these files. This means that he stores these colors somewhere else and this explains why the new build does not see them. The reason why Houdini does not create theme files in my settings is, in general, the second question. And the main question is where does he store the colors now? I would copy with my hands if I knew. The developers probably know, but remain silent and increase the amount of dislike towards them.
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Houdini Lounge » Modeling primarily in Houdini
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Edited by GCharb - Dec. 29, 2023 07:38:43
Houdini Lounge » Why is everyone criticizing COP?
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After a bit of research, it appears that COP2 was introduced in 5.5 in 2002, at least according to this post! ππ€£
COP2 was introduced around 2002 in Houdni 5.5 [www.sidefx.com]
COP2 was introduced around 2002 in Houdni 5.5 [www.sidefx.com]
Houdini Lounge » Why is everyone criticizing COP?
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tamteThe further I can remember is 17.5, it might go as far as 4 or 5, no idea to be honest, I don't use COP, I use Davinci for all my compositing, my comment was in response to Kodra in reaction to my previous comment, which was a joke!!GCharb
Heheh, yeah, COP2 has been around since H17.5 I think! π
Not sure why you would think that
It's more like Houdini 4 or 5, so vast majority of Houdini users have only ever known COP2, me included
Edited by GCharb - Dec. 28, 2023 21:20:33
Houdini Lounge » Why is everyone criticizing COP?
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kodraHeheh, yeah, COP2 has been around since H17.5 I think! π
I know you're joking, but for people who are less familiar to COP:
COP2 is the current COP. It's not the next version under development.
Houdini Lounge » Why is everyone criticizing COP?
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Mike_AI was about to say the same thing, there is even a COP2 Network page in the docs!
The other thing to note: "COPs v2" is known to be under development. I wouldn't expect to see anything until late '24 or even '25 - but it is being worked on.
COP2 Network [www.sidefx.com]
Houdini Lounge » Modeling primarily in Houdini
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I deleted both files from my folder, then I applied a shape and colour to a node in 547, then I opened 567 and the same node had the right shape and colour, both files reappeared in my folder, here are images of both versions of Houdini, and my folder, if I delete the files again, the same node has default shape and colour in both versions, so clearly both 547 and 567 use the same config files, you are definitely doing something wrong here!
You need to click the shape/colour, start dragging, then press CTRL and then drop it on the node, if you press CTRL, then click and drag, it won't work!
You need to click the shape/colour, start dragging, then press CTRL and then drop it on the node, if you press CTRL, then click and drag, it won't work!
Edited by GCharb - Dec. 28, 2023 18:53:43
Houdini Lounge » Modeling primarily in Houdini
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To permanently change the shape and colour of nodes, you need to hold CTRL while DRAGGING the shape and colour from the palette to the node, it will then create the Default_Theme_theme.nodeshapes and Default_Theme_theme.nodecolors files in the folder C:\Users\username\Documents\houdini20.0, at least under Winblows it will.
Edited by GCharb - Dec. 28, 2023 17:59:00
Houdini Lounge » Modeling primarily in Houdini
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HGaalAnd still, you seem to have no problems with the developers of your favourite software, the one you keep pushing on this forum, how odd! π€π€£
My chair has already burned down under me. So I have a slightly different opinion about the concern of developers.
Shelves are usually saved in the default.shelve file in the document folder, all your shell stuff should be there, just save the file to another folder, and copy back after upgrading, alternatively you could change the path for each version so it points to a different file, at least it used to be possible!
Customize the Shelf [www.sidefx.com]
Edited by GCharb - Dec. 28, 2023 11:14:21
Houdini Lounge » Modeling primarily in Houdini
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HGaalI run 569 here, and whether I click a vertical or horizontal edge inside the hole, the behaviour is the same, it selects the edge loop, not the hole!
Really. On a vertical line it is normal, on a horizontal line it is not.
SideFX know how to create inconvenience and problems out of the blue. Mastery!
And no, SideFX isn't in the business of making our lives harder, quite the opposite, Houdini is more and more user-friendly, in this particular case they made a choice that seems logical at first, double-clicking default behaviour is edge loop selection, and they got rid of the hole selection, if enough members point out that this is not the desired behaviour, they will most likely change it back, this is how software development works, things come and go, no need to diss the developers every time a little thing doesn't go your way!
Edited by GCharb - Dec. 28, 2023 10:54:58
Houdini Lounge » Modeling primarily in Houdini
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Alexey VanzhulaI also prefer the 19.5 way of doing things, in 19.5 you double-click an edge loop, and it stops at the hole, then you select the remaining edges manually, in this case 5, in 20, it selects the whole loops, which may seem logical, but then if you need to select a hole, you need to do it manually, in this case 25 edges, the 19.5 makes more sense to me, much more convenient and fast, and modelling is all about speed! π
I'm reaching out to GCharb because I know he always have the answers to such questions. In the picture, there's a loop selected by double-clicking. On the left is Houdini 19.5, and on the right is v20. Why is this? Users are strongly complaining about this issue and have already sent many RFEs. I've even heard that the developers believe it should be this way.
Houdini Lounge » Modeling primarily in Houdini
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raincoleLooking at your example, it looks like you only use bevels with uneven numbers of edges, so how is that different from the regular polyfill, which works just fine on uneven numbers of edges? π€
I just explained how it works, didn't I.
Houdini Lounge » Modeling primarily in Houdini
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HGaalAfter reading your posts, there is absolutely no doubt in my mind that you had no idea that this was a solution, if you did, you would have posted about it, instead, all you did is complain about Houdini and saying how crapy it is compared to your favourite software, We are no fools! ππ€£π€£
As a result, as you can see, NONE of the long-term users understand how it works.
Edited by GCharb - Dec. 28, 2023 05:22:28
Houdini Lounge » Modeling primarily in Houdini
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PaQ WaKThen maybe it is true what people say, that Houdini users like it complicated! π
That's not a good enough solution for me
PaQ WaKSame here, I could not make it work, but somehow knew it was part of a more elaborated solution!
Well I did read the popup a couple of time, but couldn't make much sense of it (I was selecting 2 consecutive points :P)).
Indeed now that I know it defines one of the uv segment, it makes more sense ! Thanks for the info.
Edited by GCharb - Dec. 28, 2023 02:00:48
Houdini Lounge » Modeling primarily in Houdini
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PaQ WaKLike I said, if you play with the bevel divisions, it will eventually work, having one more division in a bevel doesn't really affect modelling overall!
So I guess the Houdini polyfill tool try to extract 4 curves (u and v direction) to construct the grid. For this it seems to "just" evenly count the edges, so if you have 20 edges, you will get 4 curves of 5 consecutive edges.
In the case above that doesn't work well. If I had to build that patch manually I will have to define 2 curves of 6 edges and 2 curves of 4 edges to get a nice 'world' oriented grid.
The nice thing with Houdini is that you can do it yourself, even tho in this example I manually selected what part of the profile has to be used a U and V. There is probably a nice procedural way to define that set.
I wish current polyfill will somehow resolve that case, but I suppose it was made with other priority, like performance and reliability over "pleasing" visual result. I suppose I have enough material to send a FR, worth a try !
Edited by GCharb - Dec. 27, 2023 19:45:48
Houdini Lounge » Modeling primarily in Houdini
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HGaalClearly, someone absolutely wants to promote Blender here, Polyfill definitely works on a bevel, you only need to play with the bevel divisions to see what works for your model, it worked in all my tests, that's it, it's not a bug, clearly this is how the tool works in Houdini, so, I doubt very much that SideFX will change how the tool works in Houdini just because you prefer the way it works in Blender!
This is not a solution. You covered a completely different geometry. This was just an example, in a real model you will not be able to change bevels. Yes, itβs not even about the bevels. The point is that the polyfill βwronglyβ creates a grid at a certain ratio of points. And this happens often. You can play with different ratios and see how the mesh jumps from symmetrical to crooked for no reason. No one will keep a table with the correct ratios and then adjust the model. This is a utopia. And in the same cases, blender creates a grid without problems due to a more thoughtful solution with manual adjustment.
Houdini modeling tools need a lot of revision and polishing. Many dozens of bugs. Dozens of flaws. I'm sorry that the developers abandoned these tools.
And yes, in a real model, I would be able to change the bevel, I just did it on your own model, it's called proceduralism, this is Houdini, not Blender!
Edited by GCharb - Dec. 27, 2023 19:11:08
Houdini Lounge » Modeling primarily in Houdini
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I downloaded your file, the solution is easy, you need an uneven number of edges on your bevels for polyfill to work, I changed the division to 4 in your polybevel, and the polyfill now works perfectly with 7 edges instead of 6!
Edited by GCharb - Dec. 27, 2023 16:52:52
Houdini Lounge » Modeling primarily in Houdini
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PaQ WaKI am sure there is a way to solve this particular issue, like I said, the polyfill works very well the vast majority of the time, personally I never had an issue with it, my point here is that you can't call a tool crappy, or say that SideFX is mocking its user base, just because in one instance, one tool doesn't work as expected!
There is nothing to learn here, it's an obvious case where the polyfill output a non optimal result. I would rather understand why and how to solve this than continue to argue about "Blender vs Houdini" non sense. It makes this whole discussion painful.
Edited by GCharb - Dec. 27, 2023 15:10:43
Houdini Lounge » Modeling primarily in Houdini
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There is nothing wrong about expecting tools to work the way they should, but you need to learn how the tools works before you can complain about them, and as I demonstrated, based on your previous examples, the polyfill, in these instances, works just fine in Houdini, so the problem wasn't Houdini, at least not in these occurrences, I haven't looked at the file you shared, and maybe in that particular case the Polyfill doesn't work as you would like, but I am sure I could find circumstances where it would not work as intended in Blender as well, but to say that the tools in Houdini are crap because in one instance they don't work the way you want them to, is widely dishonest! π€
Houdini Lounge » Modeling primarily in Houdini
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PaQ WaKIn my example, I only played with the offset to illustrate the setting, in this example offset is at zero, and it still works perfectly with default settings!
In those simple examples there shouldn't be a need to 'play' with corner offset. If Blender is doing a better job at finding this initial arrangement it does pick my curiosity. Beside there is no need to share judgments on people.
Also, I got a bit testy because I am consistently being harassed by Blenderheads who want me to use Blender alongside Houdini, or are constantly comparing Blender with Houdini, implying that Blender is somehow better than Houdini, which makes no sense to me, the Blender community is more akin to a cult than an artist community, at least IMHO!
Edited by GCharb - Dec. 27, 2023 13:36:24
Houdini Lounge » Modeling primarily in Houdini
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PaQ WaKHe needs to select Quadrilateral Grid, and play with the corner Offset (see the picture I posted), those who keep complaining are usually the ones who do things the wrong way, but they keep blaming the software, in this case Houdini!
Hello, mind to post the model ? Polyfill / QuadGrid seems to work well to solve this, but maybe you found a special scenario.
Edited by GCharb - Dec. 27, 2023 11:46:59
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