Used it to add headband and handbands to Capybara.
Then added some fur and rendered with Karma XPU.
Something like isgroup() where you feed a string and it returns 1 if it that group exists and the point/prim/vertex is in the group, 0 if it exists but it is not in the group and -1 if it doesn't exist.
If anyone still knows how to convert a 'group' to an attribute that'd still be much appreciated.
Wrangle a new attribute that multiplies the seam attribute with the soft painted mask.
Trying this in the group node but no luck with all 3, each one individually is working though. Can anyone tell me where I'm going wrong with all 3 together?
@Cd.r==1 ^@Cd.g>0 ^@Cd.b>0
float bounds[] = primintrinsic(0, "bounds", @primnum); f@bound3 = bounds[3];