using t/r/p for dops post-transform info

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Ok, I'm trying to diagnose a problem with transferring low res dop sim object information to high res geometry.

I'm extracting t, r, and p … (trans/rot/pivot) from the objects in the dops network … then using this information to transform high res geo.

However, I'm getting some weirdness in the overall system and I was thinking a possible explanation might be that this is not enough information. So, my question is … is this enough information to full create a transform assuming the low-res and high-res are in the same place?

Or … should I be using the mysterious “orient” somehow

I've done several tests and can't find a problem with just using trp but I'm still suspicious
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I'm not sure exactly what you mean by the ‘wierdness’ But I've often had problems with similiar systems in the past where the pviot points (centroids) did not line up properly, this would then throw the translation, and rotation off a bit…

Though it's been a while and I can't remeber exactly which data pieces I pulled from dops…
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well, I tried to do quite a bit of testing, and could come up with a situation that would cause only using the t,r,p (from Position, Options) to come up with an inaccurate placement.

So, at this point I'm assuming that's not the source of the problems I've seeing (weirdness). But, if anyone knows more of the intricate math behind it I'd like to know about it.
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