Copy SOP to POPs please

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I have a .pic that passes bounding box colors to points on a grid.
I copy boxes to these points.
They are also being scaled and transformed based on how much red they have. (this video tut sound familiar?).

This works all very well.
This is an animating geometry since I'm reading in a series of .pic's.

I'd like the last .pic (copied boxes with scale, color, transform) to turn into particles and blow away.

I was thinking I could use DOPs (have been successful creating rose petals opening then falling off this way),
but it's too much processing since I have about 3000 boxes.

This thread's example is almost what I want to create, but I need to retain the copied geo (boxes).
Hope I've explained it well, keep in mind that I'm probably at the same level as Symbolic.
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You should be able to do something like this.

test_rotation.hip (83.8 KB)

Stephen Tucker
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Almost there, just can't figure out how to get the particles to grab each copied object (cube) instead of each of it's polygons. This is important because my other example has different size, color and transform cubes. So I need to somehow work with the primitive sop.

primsOnParticles_H9_v03.hipnc.hip (96.7 KB)

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Did you look at the file I posted?
Stephen Tucker
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I did look at your file. The POPnet Wind has an error trying to find the Group1.

I'm going to play around with this some more since I think adding the popnet before the copy sop is the right direction I need, then a switch sop to go between the still grid and particle grid, much like what you've created. Thanks.
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Figured it out.

And as always, it was way simpler than first thought.
Hope this helps someone learning POPs, or the Point SOP for that matter.

Thanks all.

primsOnParticles_H8_v03.hipnc (120.6 KB)

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