rottoscope modelling

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Hi guys,
we are a little post-production in italy. We passed from our proprietaty software to Houdini. We are very happy about this change , Houdini rulez!!!!
We use it for the entire production, from modelling to final compositing.
The harder part, how could you immagine is modelling.
We are used to rotomodelling, so we put an image linked to he camera and we model over it.
Of course i founded roto-option of the camera, but i have seriuos problems to link image to the camera. I'm going to explain me better:
- i put an image in rotoscope.
- i would like to zoom in the viewport, without changing camera position or zoom value. In maya for example, you should use overscan value to do this.

For us it's very important to zoom over the viewport keeping the image constrained to the camera. Of course i had tried to apply zoom to background , but this doesn't what i'm looking for.

Could anyone help me?

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Grab this from the exchange “Handy Camera Creation Script”

1.) File camera_image.hip shows how to put a different background image in the viewport for each camera. Note that the background images are not projected by the camera, and do not move with the cameras, they are just an image put in the viewport that changes depending on which camera you are looking through.
- This is a 2 step process. First, for each camera you are using, LMB on the gear icon in the upper right corner of the parameter pane and pick “Edit Rendering Parameters”. Once the Edit Parameter Interface opens up, use the filter at the bottom on the left side Create Parameters area of the window. Filter for Roto. This will highlight the Viewport Display -> View Roto parameters. Highlight this folder of parameters and drag them over to the middle section of Existing Parameters. Hit the Apply/Accept buttons, and these parameters will be added to your camera. You can then add the image you want in the background to the Roto File parameter, (or use and image from a COP Network). Each camera can have a different image loaded in this way. Now step 2, so that you will see the image in the viewport, you will need to use the “d” key to open the viewport Display Options. In the Background tab toggle on the Display Background Images parameter.

2.) File camera_projection show 2 other methods. In this file the texture is projected though a light, which is parented to the camera. Since the light is parented, them each time you move the camera the projection moves along. The projection can placed on a grid behind your target object, or directly onto your object,

Thanks Jenny @ Sidefx ! just passing on your tips !

Good luck Rob

camera_projection.hip (391.3 KB)
camera_image.hip (291.8 KB)

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