FBX Animation import

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I was wondering if there is a way to get animation only import from the FBX import function. In Maya or Softimage you can choose to import only the animation and it will update the corresponding scene elements w/ that data.
I have a master scene for example, that is fully lit and shaded. I want to update those elements w/ new animation on a regular basis but not have to re-connect shaders, textures lights etc. each time.
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Right now there is no direct/easy way to do this. It is, however, technically possible: there's an fbximportanim Hscript command, which can import an individual animation curve from an FBX file and assign it to any given parameter on any Houdini node. There is no script yet that would do it for all curves of all objects in an FBX file.

This is something that should probably be added to our importer in the future.
Oleg Samus
Software Developer
Side Effects Software Inc.
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thanks for the info!
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