Some resources for newbies: walkthroughs and links

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Hi Guys,

I've been learning and using Houdini for almost a year now. I have seen that so many people here come with the same problems I've been through, like just a post or two below, re: render resolution stuck to 640x480.

So a couple of months ago I've started to record walkthroughs to the most basic, but also - for me - difficult issues, at the early stage of learning Houdini. They are surely not perfect, but they helped me, maybe the'll be of some use to others.

At [] you can find a dozen step-by-step walkthroughs for tasks like: setting the render resolution, getting wireframe renders, using background images, etc. There is also a collection of links to up-to-date Houdini resources - it's a fresh compilation, so there should be no dead links.

I'll be looking forward to your comments.

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Joined: July 2005
Looks good so far. Just went through a few articles.

Thank-you for this. Keep it up.

The Merge SOP yellow warning with the normals and black surfaces is right on the money and get's new users all the time when they start working with networks directly.

There's at least one school like the old school!
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Joined: Aug. 2009
Thanks man, I've really been thinking about doing the same thing. After watching a lot of tutorials I realized how some basic things are not obvious, and how the ressources are hard to find.
Thanks again
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Joined: April 2009
Hi Jeff, hi Alex,

Huge thanks for your encouraging words!

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