multiparm callback for OTL? HOM?

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id like to trap a callback on a multiparm list when items are
added/removed/cleared etc… unlike other params, this container
doesnt have a callback field. Is there some other way to register
a callback on the container to manage it, or do you have to drive
global management whenever one of its template params are

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Unfortunately there isn't any way to do this. From an old email about such an RFE:

This is an existing RFE, (ID# 30076). However, it is a very difficult RFE for us to accomplish because it has never been possible to associate a callback with a multiparm, even in C++. There is no way to set the PRM_CALLBACK type on the PRM_Template, and no argument to the constructor for setting the callback information.

The only kind of hack I can think of off the top of my head for something similar would be to have a button that does it manually. You would have to keep track of a list of multiparm instances through a parameter name or something and when you make a change hit a button that calls code to figure out what was added/removed based on what indicator parms are left and what is stored on the list, then try and handle the change.
Graham Thompson, Technical Artist @ Rockstar Games
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I had a similar issue

I did not want the artists to need to remember to press an update button so:

I created an integer with the callback attatched
i put a channel expression in the mutiparm block referencing my int parm
i then hid the multiparm

hey presto - the great thing is you still see all of the parms in the multiparm block!

hope that helps
Sam Swift-Glasman
Art Director
Five AI
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