houdini questions

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Yes i'm a new houdini user from Savannah College of Art and Design. I have had a hard time adapting to houdini being that i have been a maya user for a few years now but currently i'm understanding it a little better. I am beginning a final project which will consist of a city block building up from the ground. I was wondering if anyone could assist me in some information on how this could be done. I have recieved help from my professor who has shown me a way to build a wall of bricks but i was wondering if anyone could point me to some tutorials or just helpful information with this project or just with houdini any help would great be appreciated, thank you
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I can't offer any practical help except to say that looking at the pin table file on the main community site may help. Also, you may want to check back issues of CineFX for an article about The Time Machine where they did exactly what you are trying to accomplish in Houdini, maybe there is something on the DVD as well. It might offer some insight. Lastly, check out www.oddforce.net. It's run and frequented by people from major effects houses. If you drop a note in the forum I'm sure they will give you a hand.
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Joined: July 2005
thank you i will look into time machine but i couldn't find anything that i thought would help me on odforce but i may have overlooked…but thank you for the help
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