The Ramp Parameter

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more chheeezier than the last file, hehe!!!

Just a glance of the ramp parameter.

——————————————————————– []

The Ramp Parameter.hip (97.3 KB)

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Joined: Feb. 2006
Another nice&clean example. Thanks Khermah, and for the other tips on Youtube; U're doing it inventive, precise and straightforward.

I spent some time working with ramps in the shader context recently, and haven't been successful:
The usage of ‘chramp’ function is effective if the value from the ramp is to be returned, and used to drive something.
But my problem is that I want the opposite: to use a parameter that will drive the specific color (or point) of the ramp. Simple example would be 2-3 colors ramp shader where one of the ramp colors would be driven with some pattern.

I did export pattern value multiplied with some color, within VOP network (as if any export would be made: paint, color, displace in a way), and then tried to call it in the ramp colors with simple “ch” with the name of my export.
However, I sense that this isn't the right way of doing it - at least not the right expression function to call (export value should be a variable, but not to be used as $VAR, but rather in specific field meant for variable call, etc… thats why i used ‘varnamer, varnameg, varnameb’ in the rgb fields respectively)

The result I've got, is that “ch” reads the default value of my export parameter, not the (variable) value that should be exported (and the export parameter is visible, but it makes no difference).

Would U suggest some solution to this?

If U have time, take a look at this simple example.


ramps.hip (337.4 KB)

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