Problem with 3 color mixing particles fluid

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Hallo all

I have create a fluid simulation i'm using 3 emitters in one particles fluid solver, I have open the particles fluid emitter nod with allow editing of content ed add a color node in PARTICLE_STREAM_PREBUILT node, ad repeat this for the other two emitters, after this have create Gas diffuse node ad add the Cd parameter in to it and setting attribute type to float, and now I have put Cd attribute in the attribute of particles fluid surface,

that's ok the fluids have 3 color, when the 3 fluids mixing, color mixing it's ok.

now i Have the problem, how can transfer the color parameter to basic liquid material for final render?

Thank to all
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I've just made a simple test and it seems that the problem is the basic_liquid material that doesn't take into account the Cd attribute.

Try this: in the basic_liquid material, dive inside the net and, in the atten parameter node, set the Paramenter Name to Cd. If this trick works, you can modify a bit the material net in order to obtain the desired result.

Let me know, I'm interested in your test.
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If I Change the parameter attribut atten in to Cd color not change, but if change the Refracion Tint “TransmitColor” the material color change.

But I'm not sure that the modifie that I have used is correct

Thanks for the tip

Ok my brain is fuse… I Forgot to change the Attenuation Density parameter… now work with atten node
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