Reverse Sim

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I'm trying to figure out how to run or load a sim in reverse

I have tried a few things but didn't really get anywhere.

I thought the most likely solution would have been to save the sim out, name them in reverse order and load then back in. I wasn't really sure how to do this, so I tried putting this into the file name for the file node that was saving the frames.

“Blah$NFRAMES-$SF4.sim” but of course it just takes that as the file name, and doesnt do the subtraction, so that just produces files called “Blah240-1.sim, Blah240-2.sim”

I didnt really expect it to work, and it didnt, but I also tried setting the starting frame for the sim to 240 and tried putting in a negative time step. Apparently time step cannot take a negative value.

I get the feeling that its probably something fairly obvious, although I'm not really sure what else to try, other than going to my sim directory and manually renaming all the sim files myself. I'm sure there has to be an easier way than that.

Any help would be appreciated!

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Try this:


When you put a global variable in a name it will expand to the value. When you enclose them in ` ` the expression gets evaluated and returns the number you want. (if the ` ` do not work, try “” i tend to confuse the two quite often - trial and error always works…eventually)

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Joined: Feb. 2009
Ahhh, You rock

I should have thought of that…. So many things to remember

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