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Anybody know of a way to make metaballs render with motion blur in houdini?

(I have metaballs attached to a particle system with inherited velocities, currently not rendering with blur)
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well there's a couple things you need to make sure you're doing. without seeing your setup, i can't tell exactly what isn't set up for motion blur to work.

things to make sure of: need the v attrib on the sop that you are rendering at..if you aren't sure, then MMB that sop to see if it's listed. If you are just using a popnet as a template for a copy on to metaballs, your attributes from the popnet will get lost at the copy. in order to carry over the attrib's to the copy, go to the attribute tab in the copy sop and check off ‘copy template point attributes’.

2. Metaballs only have one point per metaball. So if they are copied to your particles, they really wont blur since that one point is inside each of them. So after your copy sop, append a convert meta sop. This will convert it to polygons.

3. Make sure your camera's shutter speed is slower than 1. So bump it up to 5 or so and that should do it. Adjust it as necessary.

I made a quick example for you in case it helps to see it all laid out. []

good luck, :wink:

p.s. you probably didn't need to repost this from your other thread since it was still discussing the same topic. sometimes, it just takes time for people to get back to you.
Dave Quirus
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thanks for the help Dave… that worked! I had my velocities all working just fine, but didnt know about the convert-meta sop. Thanks again for your help, and for going to the trouble to make an example for me.
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