Trouble with collision

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I'm trying to use a solver to simulate a bowling ball hitting pins. I'm pretty close, but the pins just fall through the ground. Any suggestions?

Thanks in advance!


bowling - normal pins.hipnc (231.2 KB)

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off the bat - 3 things that you can do:

1. Raise the pins slightly so they don't interpenetrate with the ground.
2. Turn the pins into a RBD fractured object instead of an RBD object, right now all your pins get treated as one object (you need to create groups in SOPs or an attribute “name” in order for the RBD fractured object to treat them as seperate objects)
3. In the RBD fractured object, when you turn off “display geometry” and in the collisions tab check “show collisionguide geometry” you will see that only a fraction of your geometry will be displayed, you need to increase the uniform divisions in order for your collision geometry to become more accurate.


Manu [] []
Manuel Tausch
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