Source volume normalize

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Hello sidefx,

I was playing around a bit with the new workflow for gas simulations.I created a billowy smoke setup using the shelf and the wispy smoke one.

On the volume source top, the main difference seems to be in the mixing of the density, the wispy one is set to maximum, while the billowy smoke is set to add.

My question is about the Normalize flag. From what I understand this tries the counter act the effect of using subsetps. On the wispy one, with the operation set the max, the normalize flag is on as well. This makes the results different depending on the number of substeps, should that be off?

More general, does it even make sense to expose the normalize setting? It produces correct results for some operations, and incorrect for others. Currently the user needs to know, guess or try, if the operation he picked requires normalize.

I would assume everybody expects the sourcing to be independent of the substeps, and if someone wants the other behavior, there are many ways to accomplish that without this toggle.

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