fur render very slow

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hi every one,
I have a big problem, perhaps someone can help me..

if i render my scene without fur, houdini is very speed.
But if i create a fur on my head, even if i use a little number of hair, houdini is very very very slow.. even my other object in my scene without fur become very very slow.. 50 - 100 time more slowly.

I tried to use micro polygon rendering, retracing rendering, PBR… nothing to make.. always very slow… i changed settings of my fur, my scene, my object… i tried all what i can imagine…
Please, someone have an idea?
You can try with 2 simple sphere, 1 with fur and 1 without fur, render your 2 sphere, if you have a little fur somewhere, even a very little part, your render is 100x more slow..

thank you

best regard
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believe is Fur Procedural Shader is what you need!
http://www.sidefx.com/docs/houdini12.0/shelf/addfur [sidefx.com]
http://www.sidefx.com/docs/houdini12.0/nodes/shop/vm_geo_fur [sidefx.com]

It's better to work with low settings and get rough look first before rendering with higher settings. My guess is rendering fur is computationally intensive… hence your system specification play a part too.

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Hi thank you for your mail..
i don't understand which difference between what i use “Fur” and your solution…
It's “add fur” too?
my problem is when i make a render in mantra, mantra is very very slow

Nobody have a solution for speedup mantra with fur?

thank you

Sorry for my english
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the fur tools still use the old furshader, there is a new and as I think optimized version that renders faster. look for the hairmodel
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ok, thank you very much..
can you say me where i can find HairModel, i find nothing…
thank's a lot
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You need to build the hair shader by yourself, by simply adding them to each other… you should find them in the shop shader context! (3 new BSDF vops).

hope that helps a bit.
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thank you-…
i want search… but it seems it's very big work..

Best regard..
See you
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The hard stuff is actually done in those vops…just add them (I mean really add them), and they should work. The real hard part is to understand how they work. Try first to test them separately.

Good luck!
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hairModel vop has this setup already, just connect it to output Cf
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