FLIP-object shelf tool, how do I resize container?

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When I create a FLIP object from the shelf tool, I cant resize my container.. I selected the container through autodop and then press Y.. but nothing happened.. when I right click the container I also cant resize it, the options do not show up.

I checked almost all nodes but I can see the parameter.. I can still work like this.. but I have the feeling Im wasting voxels..

Is anyone else able to resize the container when creating a FLIP object?
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The parms for the flip container are in the flip object itself. The handles dont work unfortunately, but you can go in and edit the size there.
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Thanks I will take a look at it again tomorrow.. currently simming something.. I still got decent performance with 3mil particles.. I wonder if I gain any performance when I scale down the grid.. Im using like just 40% of the area currently..
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yeah you should see a considerable improvement. each and every voxel in all of your grids always has to be solved for. this takes lots of time and a considerable amount of ram. cutting down to only what you need is one of the best optimizations you can do imo. hopefully in 13 sesi will include some sort of spacial optimization, like sparse voxel octrees (crosses fingers)
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I tought sparse voxel octrees were allready in Houdini.. im not sure though I read something about this topic a while ago but remembered little of it.. isnt it like adaptive increasing voxel count where needed?
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yes, but it is not in houdini. here is a good explanation http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gNZtx3ijjpo&feature=plcp [youtube.com]
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Thanks for the resizing tip, quite a weird place to put it.. oh well it works!
I'll take a look at the video from Sparse Voxel Octree now!
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The flip solver already does an automatic resize container (you can see this if you look at say the surface field). Like zdimaria mentioned, all the empty voxels are still solved for, but the container size you are setting is basically the largest it can get. If you do limit the maximum size, then you will def stay under the mem limits. Even if you get one particle that freaks out and makes the fields resize to some large amount you can start to really slow down the sim. So only make its large as you need (depending the shot you're working on).
Ian Farnsworth
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also to that note, i believe that as soon as a particle is ballistic the fields will no longer adjust to keep it in, so make sure you have that turned on.. if im correct that is..
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