Does the fur procedural really handle long styled guides?

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I have my own guide grooming tools I usually plumb into vray or renderman procedurals, I've never used the mantra procedural for hair.

I have a project where I need to generate crowds and I want to make it self contained with cloth and hair all mantra rendered. I have reached an impasse now where my next step seems to be either rework the fur procedural or start something from scratch.

This is what I get. The guides on the screen shot are from the fur procedural when my fur hair groom tool is fed into the guides port with the skin in port one. I can slide density up and down and it all seems to work in the viewport/opengl. When I render in mantra I get the second image. No styling, just short straight fur. Increasing length gives me long straight fur.

What attribute or other am I missing between viewport previewing and mantra rendering?
The guides are standard nurb curves, 0-1 range, I also tried them as poly curves with tangent normals, same result. The guides are all rooted exactly at the skin vertices, curve prim numbers matching skin point numbers, fur procedural has no warnings and looks fine in viewport.

I've checked all the wire and fur help examples, basic and cvex type but always the same result. So now I am prepared for a pretty lengthy rework of the fursop but just wanted to check with anyone who uses it alot with hair to see if there is an obvious reason for this behavior. One thing I did notice is that none of the various examples or forum discussions I have seen ever really show the fur sop with detailed, styled and long hair guides on a head, more just long fur on a sphere. All the long hair samples I have seen have been the result of custom developed tools. So, before I bite the bullet, is this the case? Basic fur will not do long styled hair?


tmp_hair_mantra_procedural-612345272.jpg (10.9 KB)
tmp_hair_mantra_guides-134101004.jpg (48.1 KB)

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yea it does,
Fabio hair system has the option.
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Yes, I' vs seen the Fabio system. Looks good and a well made otl. It is just as I said though - a quite large rework and additional tool layer on top of the fursop. Also, it looks like it requires a fair bit of tweaking on a per character Basis. That is not going to be manageable on dozens or hundreds of characters.

I need a simple, clean and procedural solution for picking out crowd agents close to camera and generating hair in a single node that is predictable and procedural. The single fur sop with supplied curves does this in the viewport/opengl but doesn't translate to mantra. The basis of any simple hair solution must be for a skin surface and a set of uniformly and cleanly formated poly or nurb curves, at the basic level. Even more so if you are exchanging or rendering alembic files or archives.

It really should not be any more involved in this instance than a furball example with some syled long curves at the root that renders like hair as an example in the docs but this doesn't exist which leads me to think I will need to make a hairsop from scratch or I could waste alot of time chasing a lost cause. That is all my original question is. Can you put three nodes together - a sphere, some long styled nurb or poly curves feeding into the skin and guides ports of the fursop and produce a mantra render from it that looks like hair?
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then your question is not about procedural hair at render time.
is combing hair guides in a procedural way/ modeling.
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No, it isn't at all. Its about mantra just providing a translation of the fursop preview as a render at a basic level. i.e., forget the grooming, that's already done, for any set of properly formatted curves and a skin, just produce the same result. The explanation was really clear, not sure what you mean to be honest. If you cant show a sphere with some shaped long curves rendering successfully, you cant answer the question.

I have in fact started to rework the node and I have got the render work, sort of, but its a bit hit and miss at the moment and like the Fabio hair system, I seem to require an awful lot of formatting, reformating and rest attributes for no obvious reason. A major rework and formatting of attributes that shouldn't be necessary. Even direct render of the preview curves with the density way up still doesn't interpolate. Funnily enough, putting on a width attribute on a three node same setup will render in 3delight and Arnold.

I'll figure it precisely, was just hoping someone had the answer on the finger tips but evidently no.
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if it works in viewport it should in render
Fur SOP and Fur Procedural should produce the same results

is seems like your Fur Procedural can't access your Guide curve object
make sure your guides are separate object as long as skin and that they are both set to render with mantra, but nonrenderable (in other words still present in ifd), since they are used by prodedural
Tomas Slancik
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But you can't provide a simple sphere n curves example either?

I have something working out so far bug it involves pretty much gutting out the fursop and I am still getting some weird interpolations in certain circumstances, requiring some tweaking from character to character so not the simple procedural call with ifd or abc basic crowd character archives I was hoping.

The fursop does nice skin interpolation with straight lines copied to points on a single node. Fabiohair can handle styling well but the interpolation and scattering needs a bit more work for crowd stuff. Just hoped I could save a month or two of work but heyho. On the plus side, PBR on hair in mantra is looking fantastic on individual tests.
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provide a hip example so people can help out.
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It's a generic but observation about mantra rendering of the fursop. There is no hip. If you can't put down 3-4 nodes from the description, you really are never going to be able to analyse or answer the issue in the fist place. Even just opening the furball helpcards and putting a mountain vexsop on the guides is a ready made example. You get that? Where those examples all have a copysop making the guides from the skin, try making those guides curly with a mountain vexsop on NOT roots group. There is not one example with curly guides. It does it in the viewport though fine, if you set it up, just not in mantra.
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not sure if this is a flaming thread, a wrong setup, might be that I don't understand correctly.

the fur from Houdini works, Fabio works, (Fabio have an option to twist the hair around clumps if you want curls.) or you can model the guides as curls. booth works rendering the geometry(the same curves you see in the viewport) , as well the procedurals curves generated at render time.

I don't need to put 3-4 nodes since I have no idea what are you trying to do, the hip file if for us that we are not next to you, to understand what are you trying to achieve so we can help.

as you mention just 3-4 nodes… Houdini fur/hair, and Fabio should be a good example. on set procedural hairs at render time.

if still is not what you are trying to get, and you are still stuck, submit an example file. with sticky notes showing what you get, and what are you trying to achieve. yes even if its just a sphere with hair. might be the way you did the sphere or a button you press, and could even be a bug []
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Yes it does.
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