Change mouse operation via python

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I wanted to make some hotkeys to speed up the weight painting process.
For example making a script to switch the Left mouse button action between paint and reduce.
However the mouse operation seems to live not in the CaptureLayerPaint node parameters, but my guess in the state settings of the SceneViewer.
However i could not find a way to acess thouse settings(only the scenevViewer.currentState()) via python.

When you open the ‘Tool Dialog’ panel, dragging parameters from it to the python console seems to have no effect. And i also coud not find a way to acess them from code.

I know that you can add hotkeys to those operations trougg hotkey manager, which adds a hotkey override command that says something like that ‘h.pane.gview.state.sop.brush.p_reduce’. However i have no idea how can i use this command, as it seems to be simply hotkey editor specific.
Looking trough hscript documentation had no effect either.

Scince you can set this command trough hotkey editor, it can probably also be called from python, the only question is how exactly?
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