Shadow and keyframes 2 Questions ?

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1 )= i Cannot use Shadows from Light can in training Metrial they said go to the Shading tab from light but in light sop there's not any shading tab but have shadow tab can anyone tell me what i am doing wrong … or how to set shadows by light ?

2nd )= as in training metrial they said right click on pharameter pan and set keyframe enable then change the y value to 55 and drag the play bar all the way to 300 ( but i only have 240 keyframes then how can i grab it to 300 anyway ) they play but when i play its realy not working when i play the value that i sat to 55 its automaticly back to last value so help me
(but when i use “k” and manualy and set key frames its working but not working by the way they told in metrial in this lesson they did'nt told to use “k” key to set keyfram)

Thanks for your time



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1 )= i Cannot use Shadows from Light can in training Metrial they said go to the Shading tab from light but in light sop there's not any shading tab but have shadow tab can anyone tell me what i am doing wrong … or how to set shadows by light ?

The shading tab in not in SOPs but in Objects. Also I don't think there's a shading tab on lights. As far as I know only geometry objects have a shading tab.
Go to objects, select one of your geometry obects and look at the parameters for this object. You will see a shading tab.
If you select the light in Objects and look at the parameters, you'll see illumination, shadow, etc.

If you want quick and easy shadows, just select light 1 and go to the illumination tab on the parameters pane of this object. You should see a parameter called “Shadow Shader”, it's near the bottom. The default is set to fast shadow. If you hit the plus sign button, you can select different shadow options.

2nd )= as in training metrial they said right click on pharameter pan and set keyframe enable then change the y value to 55 and drag the play bar all the way to 300 ( but i only have 240 keyframes then how can i grab it to 300 anyway ) they play but when i play its realy not working when i play the value that i sat to 55 its automaticly back to last value so help me
(but when i use “k” and manualy and set key frames its working but not working by the way they told in metrial in this lesson they did'nt told to use “k” key to set keyfram)

ok I'm sorry but I don't really understand what you are saying here.
What training material are you using?

The default timeline is set to 240 frames. To change it to say 300 frames.
Click on the “plus sign” button at the bottom right on the houdini interface. You can set your end frame here. Besure sure to hit apply.


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Rick thanks for your help thanks alot

in my 2nd question let me make you understand . i am using houdini 8 and in so by the help in help contents as they say in

1. Set Keyframes

You want to animate our rocket to move from an initial location at frame 1 to a new location at the last frame.

In the Network Editor, click on the rocket object. In the Parameter pane, RMB-click on the Translate parameter. From the resulting menu, select Set Keyframe. You'll see the edit fields turn green to indicate that they are now under keyframe control, and will change over time.

Drag the Playbar all the way to Frame 300. Click in the Translate-Y parameter for the rocket, and type in: 55. The rocket should go off screen and a new keyframe is set.

Play back the animation using the animation controls. ”

So here's the Situation i do as they said but can't make animation but if i use “k” short key to animate the rocket its working but i want to do as they told in contents.

hope you understand

thanks for your time. realy



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First bring up the channel editor (eg. from the top menu, Windows > Channel Editor). Now click on your object to see that your channels are now “scoped”. Now you should be able to use “k”.

BTW, you might as well just key the same frame at 240. 300 was the old default (when the docs was written?) since the default FPS used to be 30.
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Rick thanks for your help thanks alot

in my 2nd question let me make you understand . i am using houdini 8 and in so by the help in help contents as they say in

1. Set Keyframes

You want to animate our rocket to move from an initial location at frame 1 to a new location at the last frame.

In the Network Editor, click on the rocket object. In the Parameter pane, RMB-click on the Translate parameter. From the resulting menu, select Set Keyframe. You'll see the edit fields turn green to indicate that they are now under keyframe control, and will change over time.

Drag the Playbar all the way to Frame 300. Click in the Translate-Y parameter for the rocket, and type in: 55. The rocket should go off screen and a new keyframe is set.

Play back the animation using the animation controls. ”

So here's the Situation i do as they said but can't make animation but if i use “k” short key to animate the rocket its working but i want to do as they told in contents.

Hi Ali,

ok for starters, I think as Edward suggested that this tutorial was written some time ago when the default fps was 30. In any case no big deal.

1st make sure you have 300 frames on your timeline as I mentioned in my previous post. This is so you can have the same settings as the tutorial.

2nd Are you not able to just click and hold the Right Mouse Button on the Translate Parameter in the Parameter Pane of your object?

If you are able to RMB on the Translate Parameter, do you not see a menu and one of the options say “set keyframe.” ?

Now that I understand what you want to do, I'm a little unclear as to which point you are stuck on. Post back with the answer to my question and I'll try to get you through it step by step.


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Thanks for your Reply

Now where i stuck is
in Help doc they said "
In the Network Editor, click on the rocket object. In the Parameter pane, RMB-click on the Translate parameter. From the resulting menu, select Set Keyframe. You'll see the edit fields turn green to indicate that they are now under keyframe control, and will change over time.

Drag the Playbar all the way to Frame 300. Click in the Translate-Y parameter for the rocket, and type in: 55. The rocket should go off screen and a new keyframe is set.

Play back the animation using the animation controls."

i've don same as they told but rock is not moving and when i use play the 55 value removed and last value automaticly set on its place and rockt donot move …

Many Thanks for Your Time



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Thanks for your Reply

Now where i stuck is
in Help doc they said "
In the Network Editor, click on the rocket object. In the Parameter pane, RMB-click on the Translate parameter. From the resulting menu, select Set Keyframe. You'll see the edit fields turn green to indicate that they are now under keyframe control, and will change over time.

Drag the Playbar all the way to Frame 300. Click in the Translate-Y parameter for the rocket, and type in: 55. The rocket should go off screen and a new keyframe is set.

Play back the animation using the animation controls."

i've don same as they told but rock is not moving and when i use play the 55 value removed and last value automaticly set on its place and rockt donot move …

Many Thanks for Your Time


ok, Assuming you can set the timeline to 300 frames, try this first:

You can follow the original instructions but change 1 thing in your preferences first.
At the very top of the houdini interface choose Settings->Main Prefrences.
In this new window choose Animation from the drop-down menu at the top.
Under the keying section, tickmark “Add keyframes on Parameter Change.” Now choose Apply and then Accept.

You should now be able to follow the tutorial as instructed.


Use these instructions for another way for getting the same results….

In the Network Editor, click on the rocket object. In the Parameter pane, RMB-click on the Translate parameter. From the resulting menu, select Set Keyframe. You'll see the edit fields turn green to indicate that they are now under keyframe control, and will change over time.

Drag the Playbar all the way to Frame 300. Click in the Translate-Y parameter for the rocket, and type in: 55. The rocket should go off screen.
RMB-click on the Translate parameter. From the resulting menu, select Set Keyframe.

Hope this helps,

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Rick !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Shadows and Keyframes all working as you told me….

its Working Man Thanks Thanks Alot

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Great! Enjoy your learning.
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