manage memory in loop.

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Hi, I have a problem in Houdini. I have a loop which loops though each face of a geometry input, and for each iteration of the loop it deforms another geometry to fit onto the currently processing face with a creep sop.

As the loop seems to keep each step in memory and then merge the result of all iterations at the end, i'm finding that I run out of memory if I go above a certain sized geometry input.

My plan is to output an rs proxy of each piece at every
iteration and then delete the geometry so the memory usage doesn't increase as the loop progresses.

So the issue is, how do you get a rs proxy generated for each iteration, the rs_proxy_output node doesnt have an output, so doesnt appear to be able to work within a loop? Also it doesnt seem to have the facility to create a file without a manual button press by the user.

Any ideas how I could tackle this.
Edited by 3di2017 - May 3, 2018 09:18:49
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