Is it possible to rotate a heightfield output?

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I am outputing my landscape to a heightmap on disk, however, there is a problem - it is rotated 90 degree. I need to rotate it back (-90 degrees). I have tried using the transform heightfield node, but this does not affect the output.
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Yep, having the same issues. I will try to write something that rotates all layer info based on their index but it would be cool if HF xform would work for this…
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I used this code in a volume wrangle:

vector current_pos = @P;
current_pos -= @center;
vector rot_pos = rotate_x_to(set(0,0,-1), current_pos);
vector sample_pos = set(rot_pos.x, 0, rot_pos.z) + @center;
float sample = volumesample(0, 0, sample_pos);
@height = sample;

1: Get the current position of the volume voxel
2: Because the center of the volume might not be at (0,0,0) we offset the voxel pos by the center position
3: Create a new vector position by rotating X to minus Z. (This is +90 degree rotation. Use (0,0,1) for -90)
4: Create a new vector called sample pos. by added the center offset.
5: Sample the volume
6: Assign height the sample value

This works only on square HF

Edited by cs_pix - Nov. 9, 2018 17:56:49
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