Point avoidance/collision

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Hi all,

I have procedural point animation that I want to use. But some points directly cross other points at certain times. For simplicity say the points all travel the same line at different speeds.

How can I make it so the points don't collide but temporarily move from the path to avoid collision. I tried point relax in 3D space, but it jittered too much with high values and with low values popped. So my next try was a pop solver and trying to use the points as target points for the particles. Then add a popgrain for collision, but I got stuck. I used a multi solver setup and a sop solver to pull in the animated points as the rest (rest sop) geometry and hoped that now the particles + popgrain used that as a targetconstraint. But I'm not seeing the bigger picture clearly atm.

Bottomline, any pointers on how to add simple avoidance behavior to procedurally animated points.

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