PDG filerename problem

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I'm having trouble using the filerename node. The rename field seems to be limited to a string expression, and I found it surprisingly difficult to find a way to express the rename that I want.

I have a terrain file called terrain_x0_y0.png, and I want to rename it to terrain_x0_y0_uint16.png.

How can I express this? Ideally, I'd like to use the string functions in python, because it's easy to do a string replace, or splitting, etc. I tried setting the node language to python and set a keyframe to force evaluating the string in python.

I couldn't even get the filename pdg attribute into the newpath parameter after trying all of these variations:

Finally, I tried this expression that seemed to do the trick, but it seemed especially awkward. Is this the best expected solution?
`@directory`/`substr(@filename, 0, strlen(@filename) - 4)`_uint16.png
Scott Peterson, Machine Learning Graphics Engineer, Unity
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Hi there, I've attached a .hip file that demonstrates Hscript (left branch) and Python (right branch) based approaches.

Hopefully this helps! Let me know if you have any questions.

filerename.hip (205.0 KB)

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Thank you for the nice example. My issue was that I didn't know how to evaluate a Python expression in a filename. I am inferring that you set a keyframe on the filename with Python as the expression language. Let me know if I'm wrong about that.
Scott Peterson, Machine Learning Graphics Engineer, Unity
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Yes, that is correct!
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