from displacement map to actual geometry + creating world/object space normalmap on a lowpoly created from the highpoly

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Sadly i get this result with 16 bit tif (extension tif16)
What am i still doing wrong?

And where i able to set render settings such as, type and amount of anti aliasing

And i can't open this tif16 extension nor in ps, nor in sub designer. if i rename the extension to tif i can open it (but cmon i don't want renaming and such things) but it looks the same in ps (for example)
damn i really don't get it

Thanks for the link!
Edited by ostyascukor - July 26, 2019 17:09:58

16bittif.jpg (837.0 KB)

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maybe u could try to render i .exr format, but I believe it's 32bit
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yeah, i wouldn't use 32bit if it's avoidable!

anyhow, lot of obstruction jumped over today, so Thanks You for your help and patience!
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new day, new (and some old) challenges

still a question:
1-where i able to set render settings like type and amount of anti aliasing and such as?

2-is there a way to tell Houdini to bake with very high detail displacement (sdiv is high) but the mesh on the viewport should stay on a lower sdiv parameter?
i know i should make a branch that goes to the baker node, and another branch that shows in the viewport, but i have some other nodes after my displacement, so i don't want parallel node structure in my scene

my main problem is my viewport and render(bake) is ultraslow when i have LOT of polygons created with sdiv.
basically i can't get access to Houdini.
is there a way to keep my high res displacement virtual, and just call it when i'm baking my maps?

3-i'm still playing with map baker node, and it seems when i hit the bake button the node “recooks” the whole network to get the maps baked.
it's literally “precalculate” (i call the process like this before the actual bake) the same time as i cook(create) the highpoly via network.
is there a way to tell to map baker not to “recook”/precalculate the highpoly just because of baking some mesh (i know there is a trace process that using the highpoly, but that shouldn't take this amount of time)
Edited by ostyascukor - July 27, 2019 07:28:26
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so results are for now:
1-2 minutes to cook highpoly+lowpoly
25 minutes “prepair” (i don't know what) before actual bake
15 minutes baking a color map (from actual color map, not from vertex color)+ a tangent map in 4k.
from this, the part that takes the most of the time (more than 10 minutes) is called: Evaluating python (whatever that means)

so basically creating the meshes takes 1-2 minutes, and from hitting the bake button until i get the baked maps, it takes 40 minutes.

and displacement quality is still not “production quality”.
my biggest problem is i have to use displacement to achieve every detail on highres.
i can't mix my displacement map+tangent map got from displacement map, because if i use displacement map+tangent map i “show” the same information twice (once as displace, once as tangent normal)

the method that the blacksmith dev team used gives false result, so i guess they used some kind of custom shader or baker or don't know what that not shown on the presentation

i've got a freezed hip file, size is 1.5 gigabyte
should i upload it?

and in top of that my baked maps (both color and tangent) are noised with some “trash pixels”
of course highpoly is not containing that kind of “trash”
Edited by ostyascukor - July 27, 2019 11:40:19

tangent_trash.jpg (286.7 KB)

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