Export Vellum Grain Sim to C4D

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Joined: Feb. 2019
Hey, people of Houdini,

I have a vellum grain sim that's pretty large around 7 mil points.
I want to export this as an alembic file so I can shade it in C4D. I could do it all in Houdini but I want to keep the consistency with other scenes.

I have a full Houdini fx license but somewhere down the line I used an indie version and the file got converted to .hiplc

So the problem is, I export the sim as a .abc file but when I try and import it into c4d nothing shows up.
I know it has made something because the file size is around 7gb but I can't see anything.

I also tried using a redshift proxy object to see if that was the issue.

Any advice or help on how to resolve this problem would be great.

Andy Hopper

3D Artist
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