Cached Fluid Simulation to Rop Alembic

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Hi everyone,

I'm struggling with something, I have filled an object with my fluid simulation and cached the geometry (bgeo) to my disk
I then want to export an alembic using a rop_alembic and open it into Cinema 4D to render with Octane,

So I can import my simulation into Cinema 4D, I can clearly see my simulation but I can not see it in the renderer when I apply an Octane material.

Am I missing something? the geometry wont render.

Thanks for Helping


houdini2.PNG (18.7 KB)
houdini.PNG (773.5 KB)

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You're not planning on meshing your fluid first? I'm not familiar with octane, can it render particles directly?
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Hey thanks for getting back,
So if I understand what I've cached and exported is only my particles, and I need to mesh them before exporting to alembic so Octane in C4D can read it?

When rendering my simulation in Houdini, I can see the mesh, but when I cache it, and for exemple import the geometry into a file, it only reads particles, how do I Mesj it so I can export an alembic?

I am diving into Houdini, and everything is still a bit confusing


fluid 3.PNG (221.5 KB)
fluid 4.PNG (714.6 KB)

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After a few researchs, I find out from a great tutorial from VFX HIVE, the melting angel’tut. that I needed to do a vdbfromparticlefluid, then convert vdb to poly. So that my simulation is not just particles, and then I need to find a way to connect a rop alembic and I should be able to import it into c4d and render it, unless I’ve missed something again
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Thanks Jsmack for pointing me on the right tracks, I did converted my sim to vdb, therefore I could have Polygons, in a new document I ve imported my geometry cached and could render it, so I presume I can now export it as alembic and render it with Octane in Cinema 4D
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