UVLayout node: UDIM largest packable option issue

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Hello there!

I have this issue where want to pack some geometry into UDIM tiles but the largest packable option does not pack each prim group into the maximum UDIM space.
I have attached the example file.

The setup:
  • create name attrib for each primGroup: Group1 becomes piece1…
  • for each group, assign a udim attribute: piece0 becomes 1001…
  • feed udim int attribute tag into UVLayout node.

The result:

The UVLayout node nicely packs each primGroup into it's designated UDIM space, but even with the Packing->Largest Packable option enabled, it barely fills the UDIM space. It looks like it's trying to keep the primGroups in proportion to each other.

I did a workaround where i for loop each primGroup seperately and it works perfectly with the UDIM space packing but that method disconnects each primGroup and changes my point order for which i have no means to restore and in turn, ruins my workflow.
Edited by eitch - Dec. 29, 2019 11:41:28

largestPackable.hiplc (1.2 MB)

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