Converting Attribute Wrangle into Point VOP or SOP For Loop

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I'm working on a scientifically plausible crater size distribution for an indie project.
It's intended for procedural generation of craters on the Moon, but could apply to craters on Mars, asteroids, etc.
I first tried to implement it as a for each loop at the SOP level, but couldn't figure out how to accumulate attribute values. e.g. pscale.
Then I tried to implement it as a point VOP, but I couldn't figure out how to do a loop in that context.
I finally figured out how to get what I wanted as an Attribute Wrangle.
Is there a way to “reverse engineer” an Attribute Wrangle back into a point VOP or as a collection of SOPs?
Please find h18 indie file attached.
Edited by syntheticperson - Dec. 26, 2019 13:20:21

VEX.craterSize.008.hiplc (113.8 KB)
CraterDistribution.008.png (616.2 KB)

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