mqserver standalone basic usage

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Hi guys,

sorry for spaming, but I'm a bit desperate here. And frankly also a bit frustrated about the lack of support/documentation concerning various aspects of PDG/TOPS. Basically what I'm trying to do is simply use TOPs to submit jobs to deadline, WITHOUT the need of an additional process to manage those tasks (which annoyingly is consuming and blocking an additional license for deadline as well as houdini).
When searching for clues on how to achieve this I found a standalone utiliy called mqserver which the docs introduce as
Message Queue Server for PDG/TOPs
Lightweight message queue server that uses request-reply over TCP. Uses a push-pull message mechanism where messages are pushed by any client and pulled by other clients.
(I'm not really sure what to take from this). So I thought I could use this to avoid the second deadline job and simply use mqserver to handle task & job management. Sadly this doesn't seem to work. Mqserver is running and clients happyly connect (scheduler is set to "connect" of course), but thats it. There still is that dreaded job on deadline (which also seems to spawn another mqserver?) which blocks lics just like before.
Am I not getting the concept here? Is this mqserver binary just something that we could use to add custom features and to pass data around? Is there a way to use TOPs on a farm without that redundancy?

Hope someone can shed some light on this I would really, really apreciate it!!
Thanks a lot! (And sorry if this comes of a little harsh, but so far our venture into TOPs land was not the greatest experience)
Edited by bhfx - June 28, 2021 10:16:49
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