[Solved] Renderman not running on a clean Linux and Houdini installs

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I have Renderman 23.5 and 24.0 running fine on my laptop:

Recently I've got a new desktop machine and installed Houdini Indie (Python2) and am having trouble to get Renderman. The nodes can drop but this error is thrown when any operation, Preview Render, is attempted:

I've seen some people mentioning non-ascii characters in the username but the file is saved under /home/user_01/untitled.hiplcand I even tried to run it under a user without "_01". I'm witnessing this same problem in both Fedora and Pop!_OS, so I'm starting to wonder if it's an hardware issue... Dunno.

I even tried to copy the /opt/pixar/ folders from my laptop and 24.0 errors the same on desktop.

Anyone been through this and found a solution?

PS: Here's both houdini.env or json package I'm using on the laptop fine and adapted to desktop to use 24.1 instead of 24.0


    "load_package_once": true,
    "enable": true,
    "version": "MANUAL",
    "env": [
                {"houdini_version == '18.5.351'": "/opt/pixar/RenderManForHoudini-23.5"},
                {"houdini_version == '18.5.596'": "/opt/pixar/RenderManForHoudini-24.1"}
                {"houdini_version  == '18.5.351'": "/opt/pixar/RenderManProServer-23.5"},
                {"houdini_version == '18.5.596'": "/opt/pixar/RenderManProServer-24.1"}
        {"PATH": {
                "method": "append",
                "value": "$RMANTREE/bin"
        {"houdini_version == '18.5.351'": "$RFHTREE/18.5.351"},
        {"houdini_version == '18.5.596'": "$RFHTREE/18.5.596"}
Edited by probiner - Aug. 24, 2021 21:23:46
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280 posts
do u happen to know how to install renderman with arnold? i installed it fine until i need to add spare parameters to objects...
it requires the renderman parameters declared first ( or else the spare parameters are empty) but if i do that everytimes i create objects houdini creates error ( when it tries to add custom parameters for arnold, and this seems to be the default behavior if u installed arnold) any sugestion?
thanks in advance
Best regards
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do u happen to know how to install renderman with arnold? i installed it fine until i need to add spare parameters to objects...
it requires the renderman parameters declared first ( or else the spare parameters are empty) but if i do that everytimes i create objects houdini creates error ( when it tries to add custom parameters for arnold, and this seems to be the default behavior if u installed arnold) any sugestion?
thanks in advance
Best regards

Not sure about Arnold as I'm not using it, but when I search by the keyword I did get back a thread mentioning it:
https://answers.arnoldrenderer.com/questions/30682/failed-to-save-output-to-file-traceback-most-recen.html [answers.arnoldrenderer.com]

I really don't get it why this is happening on my desktop and not my laptop and makes me wonder if it's an hardware problem...
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i ended creating 2 json files one for arnold and one for renderman
{"PATH": "C:/Users/PATAR/htoa/htoa-"},
{"HOUDINI_PATH": "C:/Users/PATAR/htoa/htoa-;&"},

{"RMANTREE" : "C:/Program Files/Pixar/RenderManProServer-24.1"},
{"RFHTREE" : "C:/Program Files/Pixar/RenderManForHoudini-24.1-py3"},
{"RMAN_PROCEDURALPATH" : "$RFHTREE/18.5.596/openvdb;&"},
{"HOUDINI_PATH" : "$RFHTREE/18.5.596;&"},
{"PATH" : "$RMANTREE/bin;&"}

and create 2 batch file to switch between render engine which rename the unused json file to txt and run houdini
@echo off
cd C:\Users\PATAR\Documents\houdini18.5\packages
if exist renderman.json (
echo file exists
) else (
echo renaming json file
ren renderman.txt renderman.json
if exist arnold.json (
ren arnold.json arnold.txt
"C:\Program Files\Side Effects Software\Houdini 18.5.596\bin\houdini.exe"

and arnold.bat:
@echo off
cd C:\Users\PATAR\Documents\houdini18.5\packages
if exist arnold.json (
echo file exists
) else (
echo renaming json file
ren arnold.txt arnold.json
if exist renderman.json (
ren renderman.json renderman.txt
"C:\Program Files\Side Effects Software\Houdini 18.5.596\bin\houdini.exe"

for me this solution works well better than using mutiple version of houdini

ill put it here just in case someone running into the same problem
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of course you have to adapt the paths to your file systems
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i ended creating 2 json files one for arnold and one for renderman
None of this helps with my problem but there's more discussion [forums.odforce.net] about your topic:

I reinstalled Fedora and all the software but... alas, still same issue. Maybe this is an access permissions problem, but I don't know how to assess what is causing the problem... Anyone ever fixed this?

Edited by probiner - Aug. 24, 2021 20:01:25
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Thank you to @master2045 on Renderman discord for the pointer about the missing library libtinfo5, which is fixed in Fedora by installing the ncurses-compat-libspackage.
Only I've seen this mentioned around the web, was here: https://www.carlocarfora.co.uk/blog/2019-12-16_Installing-Fedora-Houdini-and-Renderman/2019-12-16_Installing-Fedora-Houdini-and-Renderman.html [www.carlocarfora.co.uk]


I never had this issue before in Pop!_OS, but to fix it there just search the library libtinfo5in the Synaptic Package Manager.

Finally 2.0!
Edited by probiner - Aug. 24, 2021 22:02:17
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i ended creating 2 json files one for arnold and one for renderman
{"PATH": "C:/Users/PATAR/htoa/htoa-"},
{"HOUDINI_PATH": "C:/Users/PATAR/htoa/htoa-;&"},

{"RMANTREE" : "C:/Program Files/Pixar/RenderManProServer-24.1"},
{"RFHTREE" : "C:/Program Files/Pixar/RenderManForHoudini-24.1-py3"},
{"RMAN_PROCEDURALPATH" : "$RFHTREE/18.5.596/openvdb;&"},
{"HOUDINI_PATH" : "$RFHTREE/18.5.596;&"},
{"PATH" : "$RMANTREE/bin;&"}

and create 2 batch file to switch between render engine which rename the unused json file to txt and run houdini
@echo off
cd C:\Users\PATAR\Documents\houdini18.5\packages
if exist renderman.json (
echo file exists
) else (
echo renaming json file
ren renderman.txt renderman.json
if exist arnold.json (
ren arnold.json arnold.txt
"C:\Program Files\Side Effects Software\Houdini 18.5.596\bin\houdini.exe"

and arnold.bat:
@echo off
cd C:\Users\PATAR\Documents\houdini18.5\packages
if exist arnold.json (
echo file exists
) else (
echo renaming json file
ren arnold.txt arnold.json
if exist renderman.json (
ren renderman.json renderman.txt
"C:\Program Files\Side Effects Software\Houdini 18.5.596\bin\houdini.exe"

for me this solution works well better than using mutiple version of houdini

ill put it here just in case someone running into the same problem

Thank you for post!

Can i learn where these files should be puted?
And where is lacation of actual json files?
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