UPDATED: Everyone who has submitted entries for all 31 challenges should fill out the Iron Heart contact sheet and post it to this forum by April 5, 2022 at Midnight EST.
The original date was April 4th but some entries posted over the weekend have gone missing - we are trying to recover them but to be on the safe side please check to see if your posting is still there and repost if needed.
All entries should also be in their respective forum so we can see the full artwork/animation.
It was a challenging and awesome experience. I learned so much about Solaris and Karma and I hope that there will be more tutorials about them in the future.
Being new to Houdini, what a great way to get thrown into the fire! Was a tough but awesome experience and now I have a new arsenal of tools to play with! Viva la Houdini!
What a ride I really liked it, although I'm not sure I could do it for another 31 days. I have learned a lot and will look forward for future competitions.