Python states stroke state, how to get interactive feedback?

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So I am trying to get a tree drawing and grooming hda that used states to be very interactive. I got the idea of the stroke state and caching my strokes, getting them to snap in depth in 3D to existing branches. I even picked apart the “guide groom” hda that is full of good information. After inserting a cache step at the top of the guide groom hda and caching it at the start of the poststroke action I was able to see the sop chain working and was able to extract just what I need to do the screen space grooming.

I am now trying to find out how sidefx get interactive deformation of the geometry as they stroke. Once I have this trick I can unlock more warm and fuzzy interactions and something that may be less intuitive if you had to finish drawing a stroke to see what happens.

So how are sidefx getting feedback before the stroke has finished?
Robert Kelly
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