scriptMenuStripRadio default value

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Hello everybody,

I am building a menu with radio buttons and in the documentation [], I see that scriptMenuStripRadio seems a good way. The problem that I have is that I do not understand how to set the default value for the scriptMenuStripRadio. When I launch houdini and open my menu, all radio buttons are "unchecked". I would like to define the initial value for the strip in my menu definition. Is there a way to do this?

Also, when looking at examples from houdini menus, I see that menuStripRadio is used instead of scriptMenuStripRadio. However, I do not find any documentation about menuStripRadio. If I try using menuStripRadio, then I find that there is an initial radio button that is "checked" when I open my menu. However, I do not know how to read that value in python since there is not global variable associated with it.

Any hints would be very much appreciated.

Thank you
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