Mesh Processing using HDA inside Maya.

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Have made an HDA using just a polyreduce node with a torus as input. I created the subnet by selecting the polyreduce node only, promoted some attrs, and saved the asset to disk. Everything looks good. I can load the asset in Maya, however in Maya I can't get the Asset to do any processing. I can connect up a mesh just fine, but the output mesh doesn't change when altering the promoted parameters.

I wonder if it's a licensing thing? I'm on the indie non-commerical license. Houdini asset extensions default to .hdanc which as I understand it aren't supported with Houdini Engine for Maya. I can manually change it to write .hda or .hdalc, but it seems no actual mesh processing takes place inside Maya

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For a little more context, I was able to get an HDA running in Maya that I grabbed from the Orbolt store:

Well I managed to get my own poly_reduce asset working, and I don't know how I did it. If I work out what the steps were that got it working vs not, I'll update. Thanks
Edited by andysocial - Sept. 5, 2023 17:03:58
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