How to change a mutliparm folder with python?

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Hello, I have a very simple Multiparm setup - each multiparm group is in it's own collapsible folder.

I need to make it work in a way so if I press on one of these apply buttons "Default Folder Name" on the collapsible folder label will be replaced with a new one from a corresponding string input. Basically I need to make hda UI somewhat dynamic - to make these folder labels to be automatically updated based on some parameter values inside.

I've sorta made it work with single folder (no multiparm) with ParmTemplateGroup but stuck with multiparm one.

Is it even possible to achieve? I mean using vanilla hda stuff like ParmTemplateGroup, without writing a custom python_panel?

Thanks in advance.

multiparm_01.png (44.9 KB)

Alex Sknarin
Lighting Technical Supervisor
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