3D CGI visualisation of direct destinations from London Heathrow airport.

Data was compiled for LHR and each destination airport, including airport code, name, city, latitude and longitude. This was imported with a table import SOP and used to pinpoint each destination on the globe. The real challenge lay in creating a for-loop system to get each ‘aircraft’ to reach it’s destination with a time delay sorted by it’s flight distance from London. You’ll notice the nearest destinations are reached and labelled first.

The whole system is fully art directable – and of course re-usable with new data.

See: https://www.behance.net/vantagegraphics

Leamington Spa | United Kingdom

Generalist 3D freelancer with many years experience in 3D modelling, technical and concept visualisation and 3D / 2D compositing. Also highly experienced certified trainer in Photoshop, After Effects and PremierePro.


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