Primitive Groups for Houdini to Maya?

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I am aware that point attributes don't exist in Maya, rather they exist as vertex attributes, and need to be converted before transfer, but what about primitive groups? I set up my geometry with primitive groups in Houdini, so that when I transferred to maya, they are already grouped for rendering. Now that I am in Maya, I can't find the groups I set up anywhere. Is there something I am missing here? How can I access those groups, or do I need to set up them up different before export?

Thanks for the help!
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If you are using obj then, n Maya make sure you have shapes on in the outliner and expand it. Your groups should be there.

If you are using alembic, then you need to use a name sop. Click Name From Group and in the group field use one of the groups name, and in the name slot, use the same name that you just used in the group slot. In the AlemicRop you would choose partition by attribute, with the attribute being “name”, also in the alembic rop under format also use HDF5. you need to make sure that the name sop is the last in chain and is clicked on.

Also in Maya make sure you have shapes on in the outliner and expand it. Your groups should be there.

alembic.JPG (82.6 KB)
namesop.JPG (82.4 KB)

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Joined: July 2012
Great response! Much appreciated!
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