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Technical Discussion » Issue with Skinning Weights When Exporting FBX from Houdini
- Drasko Ivezic
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I reported the bug for the fbx char rop and when the developers starts to test it maybe it will get fixed. It is probably just some minor mistake. And I guess the devs would probably get some more useful info from Adobe is they ask for it. It is worthy to pressure adobe to introduce the usd support to mixamo.
Technical Discussion » Issue with Skinning Weights When Exporting FBX from Houdini
- Drasko Ivezic
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PHENOMDESIGNHm, thanks, I find it a bit strange to use it this way when I have imported a character together with the skeleton hierarchy in Sops with Character Import Sop. The hierarchy is already set there to work in sops, so I need a sops solution to export fbx with bones and all. I tried importing the character as fbx hierarchy and exporting with fbx rop, but the bones and skinning attributes were not available.
Just some things to try while you are connecting with Mixamo would be to follow this example for op referencing in the hierarchy into the filmbox ROP?
Technical Discussion » Issue with Skinning Weights When Exporting FBX from Houdini
- Drasko Ivezic
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edwardHi, there is no support page for mixamo, unless Adobe has hidden it so well that even their own support team can't find it. And looking in the Adobe user forums doesn't help either, as their user base isn't connected to the Houdini user base. Do you have a link on their mixamo user support page where I can upload files and ask for help? I couldn't find any.
It's really hard to say what Mixamo isn't liking from the output FBX. Have you tried contacting Mixamo support with your FBX file? I'm assuming that if you import said exported FBX into Houdini again, everything is working?
Technical Discussion » Issue with Skinning Weights When Exporting FBX from Houdini
- Drasko Ivezic
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- The `FBX Character ROP` node does not provide an option to choose the FBX version, which might be contributing to the issue.
Filmbox FBX render node []
The Filmbox FBX ROP node allows specification of the SDK via parameter.
Note from the Docs
The FBX format specification generally does not support animated objects with a changing number of points or changing connectivity, such as Houdini’s particle systems or fluids. It is only possible to export these types of objects by breaking them up into individual triangles (although still within one FBX object node).
Hi, this is not really helpful. To use skinned characters together with the shared hierarchy, you have to use character fbx rop. And with this one, there are no parameters you can use to select the version of fbx. I tried to use the normal fbx rop, but with that I only get the skin, and when I try to use this in Mixamo, it behaves as if there is no skeleton hierarchy in the file, so there is no way to use it. I am also aware of the limitations that the topology cannot be changed, but that is not the problem here. The problem is that I have a fbx in Houdini and something else comes out, but I have neither requested nor authorised this change. So if you ask me, it's a buggy fbx character rop because it generates some data that mixamo obviously doesn't like. I even tried reskinning the character with the jointcapturebiharmonic node, and in Houdini the deformations look fine, but back to mixamo and the skin weights are broken.
Technical Discussion » Issue with Skinning Weights When Exporting FBX from Houdini
- Drasko Ivezic
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I am encountering an issue with a character exported from Mixamo and processed in Houdini using the kinefx tools (`FBX Character Import` and `FBX Character ROP` nodes). Without making any modifications to the data in Houdini, when I re-upload the exported FBX back to Mixamo, the skinning weights are messed up, causing strange deformations. Re-uploading the original Mixamo-exported FBX works fine.
**Steps Taken:**
1. Imported character into Houdini using `FBX Character Import` with the unit conversion option enabled.
2. Exported the character using `FBX Character ROP`, tested with and without the unit conversion option.
3. Did not use any additional `Transform` nodes, relying solely on the `FBX Character Import` and `FBX Character ROP` nodes for unit handling.
- The bone hierarchy and scale appear unchanged.
- The issue seems to be specifically related to the skinning weights when the file is re-uploaded to Mixamo.
- The `FBX Character ROP` node does not provide an option to choose the FBX version, which might be contributing to the issue.
1. Has anyone encountered similar issues when round-tripping FBX files between Mixamo and Houdini?
2. Are there specific settings or nodes in Houdini that are critical for preserving skinning weights during export?
3. Are there any known issues with the `FBX Character ROP` node that might affect compatibility with Mixamo?
4. Any additional debugging steps or tools in Houdini that could help identify the source of the problem?
Any insights or suggestions would be greatly appreciated!
I am encountering an issue with a character exported from Mixamo and processed in Houdini using the kinefx tools (`FBX Character Import` and `FBX Character ROP` nodes). Without making any modifications to the data in Houdini, when I re-upload the exported FBX back to Mixamo, the skinning weights are messed up, causing strange deformations. Re-uploading the original Mixamo-exported FBX works fine.
**Steps Taken:**
1. Imported character into Houdini using `FBX Character Import` with the unit conversion option enabled.
2. Exported the character using `FBX Character ROP`, tested with and without the unit conversion option.
3. Did not use any additional `Transform` nodes, relying solely on the `FBX Character Import` and `FBX Character ROP` nodes for unit handling.
- The bone hierarchy and scale appear unchanged.
- The issue seems to be specifically related to the skinning weights when the file is re-uploaded to Mixamo.
- The `FBX Character ROP` node does not provide an option to choose the FBX version, which might be contributing to the issue.
1. Has anyone encountered similar issues when round-tripping FBX files between Mixamo and Houdini?
2. Are there specific settings or nodes in Houdini that are critical for preserving skinning weights during export?
3. Are there any known issues with the `FBX Character ROP` node that might affect compatibility with Mixamo?
4. Any additional debugging steps or tools in Houdini that could help identify the source of the problem?
Any insights or suggestions would be greatly appreciated!
Edited by Drasko Ivezic - 2024年7月15日 08:48:00
Houdini Lounge » H20 question - could someone describe the advantages of APEX system?
- Drasko Ivezic
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Are there established workflow scenarios for working with FBX exports intended for game engines? One might assume that conversion is straightforward, but I'm curious: have earlier challenges, like the intricate setup of blend shape animation curves not being integrated with the animation ROP, been addressed?
Houdini Lounge » Can the ROP FBX node export sockets for Unreal?
- Drasko Ivezic
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I'm talking about adding sockets to regular meshes, not characters. I tried exporting a mesh with a socket from Unreal though and the socket didnt show in houdini with the file import or character import nodes.
In most DCCs you just have to name the socket point/mesh with the SOCKET_meshname_## format and export it with the rest of the geo, for Unreal to pick it up on import. But that doesnt appear to work when exporting with the ROP FBX node in houdini.
Houdini Lounge » is it possible to render everything in UE5?
- Drasko Ivezic
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It depends how you look at it. If get used to use UE as your main layout/lighting/surfacing tool, then yes. You can use Houdini to build all the assets that are not possible to build in UE, bring those over to UE and make the final work there, camera, compositing, rendering. If Houdini is your main tool for layout/lighting/surfacing, then no. UE can be handy because of the nesting sequences, so you can make more intuitive editing choices, tune the camera and all that in the real lighting environment, real time, while working in Houdini requires less intuitive work on previs and spend more time on fine tuning the final render. So, it is also a personal preference of your workflow.
Technical Discussion » ROP FBX limitations - naming vertex caches?
- Drasko Ivezic
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Hi, not sure if I understand what is it you are trying to do (I have no idea what are the pc2 files, sorry) but as in quoted help text
There is no support for exporting to vertex caches nor changing geometry topology.the fbx rop is not exporting cache, for that we use alembic or USD. (you didn't specify what do you need this cache for, because inside houdini you can also use houdini native bgeo file format)
Houdini Lounge » You've got mail!
- Drasko Ivezic
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Technical Discussion » Kine FX Character Output Problem
- Drasko Ivezic
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It is indeed bizarre that it doesn't work. I tried to import the exported fbx with the character import, and it has exact the same animation, but in windows viewer it is messed up. Did you report this to the support?
Technical Discussion » KineFX BlendShape Export
- Drasko Ivezic
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Hi Wijobu, is there any update about the "must select 1 of 2" problem?
The problem "must select 1 of 2" is solved. Not in the perfect way though, but it works in Unreal. So, when exporting different animation clips you should (for now) always use the workflow from this post [] hip file, basically creating the blendshapes as packed prims with the attributes. Hopefully this will be addressed in the next versions. I had asked to address just the exporting the animation with the rop_fbxanimatonoutput because for now it just exports the joint transforms with the skeleton but it doesn't save the animation data of the shapes weights, not that I was able to extract in the Unreal. So, I am using it in the same way, as in the hip file, if I have more clips, I just export the whole character with the rop_fbxcharacteroutput with the new animation in the third input, but when I am importing the asset in Unreal, I don't export the skin. That way you have your project still under control that you don't import a lot of meshes but just the animation data in Unreal. I am just writing this here if anyone stumbles on this forum like I did yesterday. The Sidefx took my request for the rop_fbxanimationoutput and hopefully this issue can also be addressed in some future builds.
Technical Discussion » Measure the dimensions of a shape
- Drasko Ivezic
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Thank you very much.
I don't see a Detail Wrangle node, or u mean to simply use attribwrangle? After I added "v@size = getbbox_size ( 0 );"
to the attribwrangle node, where exactly I can see the detail attribute for the entire geo?
Thank you
Just set the attribute wrangle node parameter "run over" to detail and it will create a detail attribute for you. They didn't make a detail wrangle, but it is easy enough to chose the class yourself.
Technical Discussion » How to allow the user to work with a simple curve INSIDE of a digital asset?
- Drasko Ivezic
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Could it be a good case of writing to support for this one, Andrew? Maybe the curve node is locked due to the old type of the curve node, just guessing? Still didn't use the python states on that one...
Good luck, I am also curious of how this will play out.
Good luck, I am also curious of how this will play out.
Technical Discussion » Crowd Foot Locking issue
- Drasko Ivezic
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It looks like a problem with the collision there, but I am not the crowd expert, so it might be something else. Did you try to up res the terrain?
Houdini Lounge » What's the point of Kinefx Full body IK?
- Drasko Ivezic
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It all depends what are you using it for, other than just for classical keyframe character animation. If you are retargeting or using some ways in experiment with joints with other sop tools it can be good in achieving believable body movements, which you would never be able to achieve by simply using IK chains. There are few steps necessary to configure it right, but once you make it work, it does miracles, definitely recommending experimenting with it.
Houdini Lounge » Possible to do with Houdini? (booleans modeling)
- Drasko Ivezic
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This is not possible with the polybevel because this is not how the polybevel works. Even in the posted example, the tool is creating a new geometry which doesn't have the same topology as original objects. However, it is possible to write such a tool by using existing tools. What you need is to resample, transform and ray project your boolean edge at the A and B object within controllable distance, then make operation like skin and then bevel the central line to the desired number of divisions and then merge that back with your boolean. Another problem you might run into is then smoothing your normals, so it is not visible in your rendering that you are using two different topologies. This can also be solved by some tricks, like, for example, making a sdf, creating normals, then attribute transfer that normals. In the example I can see that there is some time going by before it creates that chamfer, so my guess is that something like this is happening under the hood, resampling, calculating normals with sdf, etc.
Saying that, there has been the third party plugin called Modeler who has something called soft boolean, but I haven't try it, so I am not sure if it can make what you need out of the box.
Saying that, there has been the third party plugin called Modeler who has something called soft boolean, but I haven't try it, so I am not sure if it can make what you need out of the box.
Technical Discussion » Radial Groom brushes used on Geo OBJ pop you out of SOPs
- Drasko Ivezic
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Sounds like you would need to make your own scripts and custom radial menu for that, I am not aware if someone already wrote those tools.
Technical Discussion » specify geo to be treat as one when using explode view node
- Drasko Ivezic
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JustinngjwYes, the explode view works with the name attribute, so, by giving the pieces the same name attribute should be doing that. You can update name attribute on those pieces by selecting them in the viewport and then group them, and then give that group a new name attribute either with the name node or attribute wrangle on that group in primitive mode @name="newname". Then the explode view will show it as one piece.
Hey Artists!
I'm trying to do some kind of motion graphics stuff and run into this issue, I'm using explode view to animated the geo but is there a way to specify the parts that circle in yellow to be treated as one big piece instead of exploding into multiple small pieces.
Big thanks!!
Technical Discussion » Turning a mesh inside out... like a sock!?
- Drasko Ivezic
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Not very clear what you want. If you want to simulate or just flip your normals, can you be more specific with a visual example, perhaps?
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