Alvaro Moreira

Alvaro Moreira

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Set Initial State with Apprentice Jan. 19, 2015, 4:54 p.m.

Hey guys, I'm very to Houdini so it might sound a bit dumb.

It's the first time that i'm trying to save a initial state of my simulation. In this case i'm working with Grains.

What I did was: create my grains from a sphere and simulate it until it set on the ground. Now i need to keep it like this, like a initial state, to work on my real scene.

My first idea was to save this grains' specific frame as a bgeo and load it back with a file node but, right now, this loaded grain particles don't interact with the other objects anymore.
I think that the problem is on importing this back with a file node. Not sure though.

btw, i'm working with apprentice. A friend said that it's impossible to set a initial state with apprentice but I believe that it should have some workaround for it.

EDIT: Here's my scene, in case anyone have some time to have a look. []

Thx again,

