Casey Hupke

Casey Hupke

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OSX+Lops frequent network editor dropouts? Sept. 3, 2020, 1:28 p.m.

Same issue here, submitted as an RFE November 30, 2019.

The bug number I was sent was bug #101335.

would really love to be able to use Houdini on my MacBook pro.

I have tested this on a 15“ 2019 Macbook Pro with a Vega20, a 16” 2019 MacBook Pro with a 5500M, and on both with an eGPU 5700XT. Same reproducible bug on all systems.

force from object origin() or object normals Oct. 20, 2015, 3:50 p.m.

Hey all recently I've been attempting to make things like gravity be driven via an objects normals. So if I made a planetoid like shape wherever the pyro/flip/particles were above it would be pushed down toward the center of that object.

Additionally I've been trying to do things like attach a wind object to an animated character so that the object always pushes the particles away from it.

after reading the help I feel slightly more confused and was hoping someone might be able to shed some light on this is the form of nodal screenshots.

[SOLVED]Crash On Unattended OpenGL Render (nVidia TDR) Oct. 9, 2015, 7:46 p.m.

Im having a similar issue, making the HKEY change helped, but its not really a ‘fix’

I can recreate the crash by importing a large alembic file, and using a blast node to remove a large piece of it.

the update / refresh in the viewport is just long enough to crash on anything under 8 seconds.

Windows 10, latest build
Nvidia GTX 980 ti latest driver
houdini 14.0474 and previous