Jack Eaves


About Me

Professional Concept Artist, Exploring Houdini for concept workflows.
Game Artist


United Kingdom

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Recent Forum Posts

Scale Object Instances To Match Scale of Prims? July 7, 2018, 4:35 p.m.

Hi BabaJ :-)

Ideally i would like the box to match the length and width of the source prim face, Its height can stay the same. So that it matches the face perfectly.

This should work on both the squares and the rectangles because its using length and width per prim?

I hope that makes sense.

Wouldn't the pscale scale it uniformly though? Instead of on the width and length.

Thank you!

Scale Object Instances To Match Scale of Prims? July 7, 2018, 10:28 a.m.

Hi Everyone,

I have a cube with different sized faces - some are thinner, some are more square for example.

I have set it up so that there is a point at the center of each prim.

I am them Instancing a new cube to sit on each of these points.

What I want to do is to make the instance cubes match the scale of the prim that they are sitting on.

Is this possible?

I am aware that the instances inherit the attributes from the points that they are instanced too but I don't fully understand how to implement it…

I have tried it with a for each loop before and got it working but it doesn't work with Instances.

Thank you for any help

I have attached some example images and my scene.

Prims upside down? June 13, 2018, 3:04 a.m.

Don't worry! I've figured it out by some more googling

Thank you for all your help BabaJ.

I found a ‘distance_between’ process from someone on another forum post: sl0throp's post near the bottom: https://www.sidefx.com/forum/topic/22750/ [www.sidefx.com] and then modified it a little and used it to reference the ledge of each edge, of each prim within a loop. Then divide the appropriate edges by the appropriate measurement. This means that the edges are all divided equally depending on their size.

Thanks again!
